chapter 6

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"Tomorrow ,do you want to come or not!?" I aksed in a little stern tone..!

Seeing her nodding like a child ,i chuckled myself..but soon plastered with stern face again and said.." Then allow her to give that to you" i said pointing to nurse's hands who is holding a sedative.

She pouted. I slided near to her and said "Dadi...plz, tmr u need to be active in my wedding na!? plz take this and sleep, plz...for your rohit..plz take this" i pleaded.

To which she smiled and moved her hand out, i sighed nurse to inject and she quickly did ,capped it and went out.

Slowly she drifted to sleep...and i slided my self from bed to ground..and started caressing her hand which is almost swollen with many cannula caps..!

"I can feel how much pain she is holding...but still manages to let smile wen i see her...angel she is!

"Yes..for this angelic smile only i am ready to do anything in this world. And tmr's my marriage is one amongst this.

I saw my dad and mom coming into room, sending away doctor.

I asked" wat dr.agarwal said!?

Same..! My dad said in low tone.

I nodded...!

Actually dadi is cured cancer patient..and now it recursed in cervix..! And with a attack few days back.. almost all systems are not respomding to medications, so she was hooked to supports..but hooking to supports is unable for her now...she is pleading to remove her from this mess...but if we remove we know she cant stay for more we are not ready for tat...we cant lose on dadi...but letting her in pain and making her suffer also is not a thing for us...! but now doctors said even with support she may not able to make..made us rethink on her request of removing supports.
but her last wish was to see my mrg.

And tmr is my we thought to unhook tat tmr night..and leave rest to god!

I saw my mom in tears..! Though dadi is her mother in law .she always felt her as her mother only ...tats how dadi is..!

" Are we doing right only na!? Naren..
Rohit!?" She asked.

To which honestly i dont have answer..!
My father nodded yes..! Watever she wants just we have to do...! She doesnt want to bear pain anymore..and wen doc also say its waste to bear pain....let us accept what she wants..he said.

" i am proud of you rohit!for all things u are doing " He said looking at me..and i know for wat it is..for my mrg as i agreed to do for my dadi..tats wat he is refering to !

Honestly i dont have anything to say to him or anyone..its nothing . For family...for the ones you loved doing something is never a moment to acknowledge...its pure love which makes you do everything just to see their smile.

" i am doing for my family acknowledgments...i love doing this for her..for family." I said and he nodded again in positive with smile.

"Rohit..go! Tmr, day after tmr its gonna be so hetic for u , have proper sleep " nurse is there , me and mom will look after dadi ,he siad.

I nodded yes..and left to my room.

After continous tossing and stirring..trying to sleep..which is no where near ...I went to balcony..sat on couch..!

I am hell tired but sleep is no where near to it will be! Marriage is big nerve wracking day in everyone's life...that too i am gonna marry at this such rush.

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