chapter 15

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I packed my things...with still in thoughts...wy he is damm angry...!??

Actually i am wondering i should be the one who has right to get angry now...!

I mean he is the one who wants things to be a secret...he wants us to live like strangers..i have nodded yes for everything...but still look how he just walked away... wats his problem now..!?

Uff..i also get angry i thought and zipped my bag up...

Saw him reading and glaring...

"Who cares now...! "

Since 2 days i am sleeping with mumma, I thought to sleep on bed tdy for first time....but now not at all...

I went and took my quilt and back to my couch...He didnt stop ....!

Ufff..always reading...!
exams are there for me from day after...wy he is reading like if tmr is his exam...angry book worm..!


I got up and saw him got ready already...i quickly got ready and unwrapped my quilt and his one also to washing we are not going to come in next couple of months and came out to dining area.

We ate amid all talking from mumma and pappa...and he is silent all while.

Finally i bid bye..and mumma,pappa told me thousand times to call wenever anythig is needed...and mumma gave him earful to take care of me..!

Uf..first let him talk then care...i thought and got into car.

The same bmw sclass...i googled and got to know the version.

He in driving seat...and i beside him...!
With all sielnce..!

This is my first time..with him all alone...our first journey..!

Omg..he drives very fast...i thought!

"Wats hurry we are starting at 8 am one will come anyway this soon..!

Wy he is flying..i am feeling like i am in clouds..!

Watever god plz let safely in hostel..!"

Cant he speak...wy he silent..!?
Uf...! I turned to other dxn..and start observing the road.

I have never observed road this much in my entire life...bcz i always hang out with frnds..and we even didnt know when our destination  came..till conductor shouts..but
Now i can tell the markings on road also!

Thanks to my husband for increasing my genral knowledge!


Unless and untill u speak up darely with me..i wont sonakshi!

See..ofc i am angry...and stubborn too..!

Wat is there that side..!?
Didnt she ever saw road!?since hour she is looking tat side to road.

i am driving little fast..bcz road is empty..

And i also know we are actually early...but at this time there will be less crowd in campus...and no one can notice us...!


I was lost in thoughts and suddenly seeing my college i felt little sad..

This journey gonna end now...though it was not pleasant one...its something i dont know..i feel very soothing with his presence...every moment i feel its special...i am now regretting that i nodded yes wen he said to keep mrg secret.

I noticed we are not going in the normal route through campus gates..!

This intelligent husband forgot route a!?

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