chapter 14

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Its husband!

Dadi is calling..he said and pulled my hand to dadi room.

"Why he is pulling me...must say his grip is so hard on me! "

"He is not confronting sheela aunty but pulling me away...!?

"o god sona! its not a expect him come like fairy prince and mock at guest.....come to reality...! "

But Wy he is tat angry..!? Is he angry on me or sheela aunty!?


I was angry for sure but not for the lie...i mean yeah i hate lies tat too from family...and but i know tat its just dadi's crazy plan....and seeing her hesitation to say sry...i know how i controlled myself to go and pinch her cheeks...!

But for her beahvior..over humbleness..i mean she said sry..but didn't bother to wait to hear reply....shoot my anger up!

I saw her coming down in a saree type one not exactly sare...her little worried eyes...nervousness...and more than anything the innocence..flamboynt she is!
Her saree with sindoor, the wedding chain..she is breath takingly beautiful.....!

at moment all my anger got subsided..and a feeling tat she is mine...lit my face up.

I heard sheela aunty and some others saying country girl..wat!?
"Are they mad...its her dressing style , her wish...! "

But wy she is leaving with out any reply..Ofc expected...she wont open her mouth...!

is she gonna change dress!?

"Oo stupid she is..if she change she is accepting tat they are right!? "

I can feel my angriness shooting peak...why cant she open her mouth and speak for herself!?

At this moment i dont want to show my her but should stop her from doing this stupid act.

I want to make sheela aunty shut her mouth...but that can wait...!

Important is wife..i pulled her to dadi room so as to give myself time to control...!

Dadi: Oh angel...! Woww looking so stunning in saree!

Dadi..i will change and come!

Why.. sona..this is beautiful mumma said...dadi also hummed.


All my doubts, questions subsided Sèeing dadi in a western frock.

Omg....!she is a modern antique..!

i mean the dress fittted her very apt..i hugged her saying u are stunning!

"I know..."she said with her typical swag!

We came out...and there was a fruit cake..and she cut it...amid her fav songs...and then a video played with all memories of her...her my mrg..!

And last pic with dada and dadi...and our mrg day family pic.

I wish i could take pic like these in my wrinkles with rohit beside...i thought and made a silent prayer."

And saw everyone emotional..ofc wy not such a journey she has!

She took mic..!

And Smiled...loudly..!

"Its been 7 yrs i celebrated my brthday...but this time i want to..bcz i know its my last...

I heard many no's including mine..!

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