split custody, actually

2.6K 95 39

A/N: we're almost to a milliiiiii!!! And by that I mean 600k 🙂 but still.
Unedited kinda. You know the drill.

4347 words.


Peter closed his eyes and took a slow breath out. He let himself stand like that for a moment, soaking in the peace and quiet of the empty hallway. It had been a long day, far too long for there to be one more class period.

The previous night had been... hectic, and Peter was still learning how to balance all the different characters he had to play in life.


"Hey happy, just wanted to let you know I've been stabbed in the leg by this crazy man- pardon my french this fucking crazy ma- Hey! Get back here, you don't just stab someone and run off! Where are your manners maAugh! Wait stop running back, I liked it better when you were running away!"

A nephew.

"Hey May, you aren't at work are you? No, no I'm fine. No really I'm fine, calm down. But, uh, hey, Mr. Stark-"

"I told you stop with the Mr. Stark thing! It was never funny!"

A son figure type thing to Tony Stark?

"Okay, Tony said you might want to-"

"Tony's weird, don't call me that."

"Well then what am I supposed to call you?"

"...I don't know figure it out, you're the one who goes to the genius school right?"

"You're the one who's Tony Stark right?!"

"Hey remember that one time you called me Da-"

"Sir Anthony Stark says you should stop by the tower because I got stabbed but it's okay because Bruce fixed it up and I have accelerated hea-"


The point was last night was hectic and he got zero sleep at all, and his leg was still sore from the stabbing bit.

Alas, he opened his eyes and shoved the door open.

Just one more class. And besides, it was Decathlon, an easy class to glide through.

"Peter, glad you could join us." Mr. Harrison looked up from his papers.

"Yeah, uh, sorry. Won't happen again." Peter said, finding a place to sit next to Ned.

"You're lucky I'm in a good mood."

"Got a date tonight sir?" Charles joked with a grin.

"No, Charles. But I do have an announcement that might be just a bit more exciting for you." Mr. Harrington smiled.

That should have been the first thing to warn Peter that things were not good. Mr. Harrington never smiled such a full, real smile.

The teacher continued to ramble, holding his unsettling happy look as he did, Ned leaning over to whisper to Peter.

"Dude, where were you last night. I got a text from your Aunt about you being an idiot or something." Ned said in a hushed voice.

Peter put his hand over his leg subconsciously, "You know, the usual. Internship stuff. Almost got out of hand, but I handled it well."

The man had gotten away and Peter had to call Tony to pick him up from where his was propped in an alleyway bleeding out.

He had handled it well.

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