A... parent chaperone

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Field trip but the night before Peter called Tony dad and Tony won't let Peter forget it.

"So Petey, your excited for your field trip tomorrow?" Tony laughed, late Tuesday night.

Everyone was sitting alone in the living room, doing whatever, but mostly joking about Peters field trip to Stark Industries tomorrow.

"Daaad, no. Do I have to go?" Peter whined before freezing, as did everyone else.

They ask just sat there for a moment in silence as Peters face burned red.

Finally Clint broke the silence, "Ah, Tony is basically the kids dad already anyway, so what the hell. It isn't like we weren't expecting one of you two to say something like that."

Now everyone else agreed as a genuinely joyful grin spread across Tony's face.

Peter was still at a loss for words. Him and May had moved into the tower with everyone else a while back, and May was currently gone finishing college abroad, so obviously he and Tony had become close.

"Peter. Peter, come here." Tony smiled.

Peter trudged over to Tony, still embarrassed.

"I didn't- I mean I don't-" Peter stuttered out.

Tony pulled Peter into a hug, "I love you to son."

Peter couldn't help but smile, before it quickly faded, "You aren't gonna talk to me about this while I'm on the field trip are you?"

Tony, still hugging Peter, cut him off, "Ah, Peter, son, gosh I'm never gonna stop saying that, tomorrow will bring what tomorrow brings."

Peter smiled, but groaned, knowing Tony was definitely going to embarrass him tomorrow.


Peter was just about to turn off the light in his room and go to sleep that night when there was a knock on his door.

Tony then came speed walking in seconds later.

"You know that I'm fine with you calling me dad, right? Like you don't have to, but if you want to keep calling me dad, you know, I think that would be cool..." Tony said hurriedly, clearly a bit nervous about his preposition. Peter found his nervousness endearing.

Peter smiled, "Okay Dad."

Tony burst into a smile again.

"But you're still planning on embarrassing me tomorrow?"

Somehow Tony's smile became bigger.

"Oh yeah, one hundred percent."


Minutes after Peter was dropped off at school, he was back on a bus, heading home.

"Dude, this is so cool! I get to see you're work and everything? Like, because of that one part of your internship you probably know Tony Stark." Ned said, during beside him.

"Dammit I knew I forgot something." Peter said. He forgot to tell Ned that he lived at SI in the penthouse now. He had forgotten to mention this for the past 14 months, oddly it never seemed to come up.

"What?" Ned asked.

"Oh, just a homework thing." Peter lied, for reasons he himself didn't know. He figured it probably wasn't best to explain it all to Ned on a bus on the way to SI. Ned would totally freak out, and Flash and Peters other classmates were all around.

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