Tony and Peter watch the sunrise.

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A/N: So this is a draft from a while ago, and I decided to post it.
Trigger warning ⚠️: Implications of suicide, minimal, but some, description of gore. If any of these things trigger you, I suggest not reading.


Everyone couldn't believe what they were seeing. They couldn't believe they let this happen.
Tony couldn't.
Pepper couldn't.
None of the avengers could.
Not even the public could grasp what happened.

Let's back up.
"Where's Peter?" Tony asked, " He's usually here in the morning."
It was pretty early, but all of the avengers had been woken up by a commotion in one of the labs. An intern, probably. "Well he's not in his room, and it's six thirty in the morning."
A few of the avengers who were laying around the kitchen seemed more aware.

"I'm going to check outside, the sunrise is pretty today so maybe he went to see it. It's something he does every so often." He added the last part when the avengers looked confused at peter waking up early to see a sunrise. Man, they all loved the kid. He's so bright, and cheery, full of energy all the time.
Tony walked outside a stood looking at the sunrise for a second.

It was maybe the most beautiful sunrise he had ever seen. Then he looked over around the building. He didn't have to look far. Peter was there, on the ground. He was on the ground. Tony heart started racing. He was limp on the ground, with his Spider-Man suit on, only his mask off. Tony ran over to Peter. Tears were in his eyes. He couldn't have- could he? "Peter?" Tony said, his voice at its weakest, " Peter? Please, Petey? No please, please I need you peter." He looked at the limp body.

On his chest was a note,hand written, that read: Sorry I couldn't hold on for you. It was never your fault. From, your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Tony sat there sobbing, as the sun rose beautifully. The golden glow shone on peters cold face. Tony couldn't tear his eyes away from Peter.

How did he not see? No. No no no. This can't be happening. Tony swallowed hard and reached for his phone, and called Steve, " Oh hey tony, how's the sunrise with Peter?" Tony gulped and whispered, " Can you come down here. Please?" His voice cracked. Soon all the avengers where down looking at Tony, full on sobbing.

Then they shifted there gaze to reveal Peters limp body. There was one gasp, before everyone held there breath, hoping he wasn't, praying he wasn't. But he was.  He was gone.

He had take himself away. They all stared in shock as Tony was the only one who you could actually hear. They all had tears in there eyes, but tony was sobbing.

"Peter, Peter please."

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