Natasha and Tony arent here to greet you.

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Trigger warning: religious figures mentioned lightly, talk of death, description of dead body (not in detail) and mention of suicidal thoughts. Yes it is going to be that sad. sorry, not sorry, just sad. :(

Notes: Civil war never happened. Peter has known the avengers for a few years now. Peter called tony dad. tony has shared custody with May. :)
*Infinity war spoilers!!! Endgame Spoilers!!!*
So basically peters back after endgame. He finds out who sacrificed themselves.
I kinda changed parts in endgame but there are still spoilers.


Peters POV:

All of the sudden, I was back. It had been about five hours... I think... it was all kinda confusing. Like time was warped. I came back to see a ruined battle field. Most people seemed thankful, but when Steve came over to me, he seemed sad. Yet at the same time he was thrilled to see my face, " Peter! It's- It's been five years!" I was flabbergasted. What did he just say? He explained everything that happened and finally at the end he got quiet, " But peter- there's something you should know..."

(Idk what happened but it's not peters POV anymore... so yeah.)

Peter knew what was happening. He had lost people before, " Uncle Steve?" Peters voice wobbled, " Where's Tony- Where's Dad?"

Steve looked down, " And Natasha."

Peters eyes welled up, " No, No No!" Peters voice was growing louder, " Why would you bring me back if they aren't here?!" He was almost screaming. Tears streamed down his cheeks. He looked over where Pepper was sitting. Bruce and Thor were behind her.

Peters voice cracked, " Is- is that him? What about Aunt Tasha?" Steve looked down again, " She- she sacrificed herself for the stone... she had to jump off the cliff... we- she-." Peter let out a sob. He ran towards Pepper.

Peppers face was stained with tears. She was so thankful to see Peter. She wouldn't know what to do with herself if he didn't come back. That was all tony thought about at night. Every night she watched him pray a short prayer- desperate for something greater than him to be out there.

Pepper bear hugged peter. She knew that peter had seen Tony. "He prayed that you would come back- every night. You gave him all he wanted." Peter sobbed into her shoulder. No. No this can't be happening.

He can't lose tony or aunt Tasha or anyone again. When he let go, he went over to Tony's body. He shakily held out his hand, " Tony," he started, tears still streaming down his cheeks, " Dad."  Peter couldn't stop crying. " There was so much I didn't get to tell you. I never told you- I never told you how much I loved you. I never really told you, that you were like a dad to me. I never- please come back. I just need to tell you that I loved you."

Peter was sobbing uncontrollably. The surviving avengers stood behind the boy, all with tears in there eyes. They all cried. For Natasha. For Tony. For this poor kid who had already lost so much. For themselves, because they had lost there best friends. " Tony. I never- I never got to say that you- you were the one who inspired me, you were the one who gave me confidence. I didn't believe in myself and you did, and- and when I was ready to leave-." Peter was choking up,

" When I was ready to leave this world, you made me stay. You were the one who kept me going. I still- I still remember the night, you promised to never- never leave me until you died. The night you said Aunt May wanted you to have shared custody, so if she died- the night you-. I'm sorry- i can't. You can't be gone. You need to be here. Please. Please Dad, I can't lose you. I need you here." Peter let it all out.

He almost screamed. He couldn't be gone, yet his body was growing cold. Peter finally whispered, " I need you here."

Tony stood there with tears in his eyes. He was clothed in white robes with Natasha by his side. "It's okay peter, be calm. I'm here for you."

Peter felt a chill go over him and he stopped talking and screaming, though tears were still running down his cheeks.

Natasha spoke next in a quiet voice, " We will always be here for you мой маленький паук."
A voice behind them said, " It's time to go." It was soothing and calm. Tony nodded and they both faded into the light.

Notes: Part two?
I know this is a different take but I saw someone do something similar and I liked it soooo.  Let me know if you understood the ending- it was basically supposed to be tony and Natasha's spirit, going into the afterlife or heaven or whatever you believe if you do believe in that sort of thing.  Also I am in no way trying to force or say peter or tony or Natasha, were religious or anything like that I just thought it would be interesting to write. :) you want a part two, where peter does normal things like go back to school, back to aunt May and all that. I'm not planning on writing a piece where peter goes to there funerals, unless y'all really want the to.

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