what to do on Thanksgiving pt 3

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A/N: you might want to read part 1 and 2 just to recap... Okay that's all :))


Peter woke up to the sun on his eyes, and someone nursing sat him to get up.

"Peter get up." A guys voice whispered.

"Nnh, just one more minute." Peter said as he snuggled closer to the person.

"Peter, people might get the wrong idea if they find us together."

Peter lay there for a second before jumping up, "Oh my gosh! I am- so sorry"

"No no it's my fault-" Eugene said.

Peter went red. He had been literally snuggling with Eugene.

"Oh well then I guess I'll get dressed. Um, see you down stairs."

Just as Peter was about to leave the awkward situation, Clint, from downstairs yelled, "It's turkey day bitches!!! No, no Morgan don't repeat that, no it's a bad word."

Peter smiled, "Oh right. It's Thanksgiving." And with that he left to get ready for the day.

A few minutes later both of them were down stairs, inside the already busy kitchen.

There was a box of donuts on the counter, kids running around, and food being prepared by Steve, with help from Pepper and Bucky.

After eating something Eugene rolled up his sleeves and asked, "What can I do to help?"

Pepper looked at him sweetly, "Oh that's sweet of you, but you're the guest here, you don't have to do anything."

Eugene shook his head, "No it's no problem, besides I like cooking."

"Well, if you say so. Do you want to start on the rolls?"

Eugene nodded, "Sure, you want to help Peter?"

Peter laughed, "well I don't know how you make rolls from scratch but I can try."

Eugene flashed a grin, "Oh they're easy, I can teach you."

In the end Eugene made an amazing, mouth watering batch of rolls, and Peter threw his out and pretended like he did Eugene's.

"Yes, I definitely was the one who made these beautiful rolls! That was me!" Peter said smiling as Clint tasted them.

"Oh my gosh Peter, I always thought you were a horrible cook no offense but- did you really made these, they're amazing!"

Peter laughed, "Well actually I di-"

Eugene cut Peter off, "I gave a few pointers but Peter was the one who made them."

Peter looked suprised at Eugene, then smiled.

Later in the day they all watched Frozen, chosen by Morgan.

Peter couldn't help notice Eugene glancing over at him every now and then, and smiling.

Finally it was time for the food.

Peter's family was far too large for them all to sit at one table, so people were just scattered around, sitting wherever they wanted, whether that was the couch the table or even just the floor.

As people ate there was cheery conversations heard all around, while card games were being played. Laughter and clinkering of utensils mixed together.

After a while Eugene got up from his spot and quietly excused himself.

After a few minutes passed Peter got up to go looking for Eugene.

He had looked so over the house and was starting to get worried when he looked out the window and saw Eugene standing by the lake.

Peter went down the steps to go next to Eugene.

"Hey." Peter said quietly.

Eugene whipped his head around, "Oh it's just you."

"Uh, I just noticed you were gone for a while... Are you okay?" Peter asked.

Eugene smiled a sad smile, 'Oh, yeah..."

They stared at the lake for a moment.

"You can tell me." Peter said, "I know something's wrong."

Finally after a moment Eugene frustratedly said, "My parents are in Cancun. Of course they are. This is just like my tenth birthday, when they went on vacation to Hawaii. And they left a note on the fridge. I was fucking ten! Who leaves there own son on there tenth birthday?!"

Peter stayed quiet, just listening.

"I'm suppose my parents didn't just give me away. But they still don't care about me." Eugene's eyes were tearing up now.

"Eugene..." Peter said softly.

Suddenly Peter pulled Together into a hug, as Eugene cried into Peter's shoulder.

A/N: lol remember this story? Well, here you go, I promise to make a part four now.

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