Cause I'm five!

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A/N: So this is an old draft but I need to post so here y'all go. I didn't re-read it because school started and I'm busy, but enjoy! Oh and Peter Tony's adoptive son, but they adopted him at birth, and now he's five. Yep.

Peter was having a meltdown.

"Daaaadddy! I wanna go do the press con-forance with you! I don' want you to leave!"

Tony smiled and ruffled the little boys golden curls, "It's okay Pete, I'm gonna come back real soon okay?"

Peter looked down, "nooo." He sounded sadder now, "Bu' Daddy that's what my old mommy and daddy said an' they never came back. Please don' go." Peter started whimpering.

Tony's heart broke. This is when Pepper intervened, "Oh Peter, don't worry, we can watch him from the side, and then he'll come right back. And he'll play science lab with you."

Peter lit up at the idea of playing a game, "Okay. Just come back daddy. Promise."

Tony smiled, "I promise Pete. I promise."

And with that Tony stepped out onto the stage and flashes of bright light started snapping.

Peter held Peppers hand tightly watching Tony contently.

Tony went out on the stage. It was bright, but nothing he wasn't used to.

"As I'm sure you all know I'm Tony Stark, but what you don't know is what I'm here to announce. Well, I'm here to announce the all new SIphone plus is out for purchase on May First! As we like to say here at SI, it's the three E's: ecofriendly, more efficient, and more extraordinary."

Then the questions came barreling in.

"Mr. Stark, why shouldn't I just get an iPhone?"

Tony grunted, "If you want your phone to end up in a landfill, then by all means, get an iPhone."

Tony glanced at Peter, who in return smiled brightly. He had let go of Peppers hand, but still stayed where he was.

Tony had been glancing over every once and a while, and apparently some reporters caught on.

"Mr. Stark? Can I ask what has you so distracted today."

Tony pretended to think, "Ummm no."

"You in the back?" Tony moved on.

"What do you think is the best feature..."

This is when Peter suddenly bolted towards his dad. Tony burst into a smile and bent down to peter, holding the microphone away from him.

The whole conference was silent.

"Pete, why aren't you with mom?" Tony asked.

Peter giggled, "I just wanted to do what you do!"

Tony smiled, looked up at Pepper and mouthed, 'he can stay with me.'

Then Tony hoisted Peter up in his left arm, holding the microphone in his right.

"Okay, continue on. You in the blue shirt."

"Who's the kid? Is this your kid Mr. Stark."

Peter giggled and the reporters all 'awww'ed.

Tony smiled but said, "That's for a different press conference if you wish to know how we know each other."

"How old is he?!" Another reporter shouted out.

Tony looked at Peter, "You wanna answer that one?"

"Yeah!" Peter smiled and nodded. Tony put the microphone closer to Peter.

The room went silent waiting to just hear the kids voice. Peter was staring hard at his fingers as he counted them. You could hear him barely breathing out, 'One... two..." He got to five and looked up, with a smile on his face, "I'm five!" He put out his hand showing five fingers, "Because I jus' turned five a little ago an' I got legos for my birthday!"

All the reporters seemed to forget there job for a second, swept up in Peters cuteness.

Tony took back the mic. "Okay that's enough for today! Good night New York!" Tony waved as he exited the stage, Peter in his arms mimicking Tony, "Good night New Work!"

When they got off the stage Peter was jumping up and down, "Did I do good daddy! Didn't I do good!"

Tony and Pepper smiled at the boy, "Yeah, bud, you did the best!"

Pepper smiled, "but you can't run off like that!"
Peter sighed, "I know, I'm sorry mommy."
Pepper couldn't stay mad at Peter, "But you did super good!"

Peter just smiled and exclaimed, "Yeah cause I'm five!!"

Later my gators 🐊

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