Ted Talk

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A/N: So disclaimer, I have no idea how they make stained glass, I just took artist liberties for the story. (You'll get it when you read the story.) So um yeah. Enjoy. This isn't edited btw.

Peter was standing backstage, "Uh, Tony, do you... do you think I'll do good?"

Tony smiled, "Well it would help if you told me what your talk was on," he joked, "but I think you'll do amazing."

Peter smiled, "Thanks."

Suddenly stage hands were surrounding Peter giving him last touch ups before he had to go out on stage.

And then he was out there. The bright lights made him wince.

He cleared his throat. He stood there for a second. And then he started his speech.

"I am broken. Immediately you think, aw, and, how sad, right? Well I'm here to tell you why it isn't." Peter was gaining back his confidence, just trying not to think about how Tony was watching.

"Let me tell you a bit about myself. I'm fourteen years old, and the world has throw a lot at me. When I was five years old, my parents were going on a business trip. I was staying at my aunt and uncles, who spoiled me, so I was pretty happy. However, that happiness was lost when my aunt sat me down and said that, my parents weren't coming back, and they were in a better place." The audience collectively gasped.
"And, though I hate to say it, that was only the start. I was bullied at school, and didn't have many friends. Then, my life changed all over again. It was a normal day. Just like any other day, I was doing my homework in my room, when I heard a commotion from the living room. My aunt had left to the store, so it was only me and my uncle. I went to see what was going on. I arrive just in time to watch my uncle get shot by a robber. The robber ran off, and I was left with my dying uncle. And just like that, he was gone as well." He could see the pity in the audiences eyes. "I struggled with anxiety and depression, and didn't see reason to go on. I was broken. And I still am. And, I'm proud to say I'm broken. Because, every single experience that I ever had, I thought was the end of the world. I thought there was nothing good about it. But, I was wrong. When my parents died, I had to move schools, because of where my aunt and uncle lived.  Now I think back, and instead of thinking, I wish my parents hadn't died, I think, if I hadn't moved I would have never met my best friend, who is still my best friend to this day. And I'm not saying that I'm glad my parents died, but I am saying that what happened, happened, and looking on the bright side is better then dwelling in the dark. And if my uncle hadn't died, I might not have ever applied for a Stark Internship. By now look at me. My uncle died, and it hurt and it broke me, even more than I already was. But then, I applied for the stark internship, and I got it. Not only did I get a highschool internship, I got the position of Tony Starks personal assistant. If I had never applied, I would have never met such an amazing person as Tony. He took me under his wing, even invited me to his house to meet his family. And we have this amazing relationship now, where I can be proud to call him Dad. Maybe not my biological dad, or even legal dad, but he is still my dad to me. And if I hadn't been broken and lost, after my uncle died, I wouldn't have any of that. Or this. You wouldn't have ever heard me speak." Peter paused, " Now my story, might have bigger situations then others, and it might have smaller situations than others. I am not saying that I am he only broken person in this room.
We are all broken! We are all broken in our own ways. But let me tell you something I learned a bit ago. Stained glass. Stained glass windows are made from broken pieces of glass. Have you ever thought about that? So I suppose all I'm saying is, be proud. Be proud of your brokenness. Be proud of your flaws, and every time something hurt you. You are broken! And you are beautiful! Thank you."

The crowd started clapping. Slowly at first, but it erupted into a roar of applause. People started to stand, and soon the whole audience was standing.

And as Peter looked into the crowd he saw a girl. And she was crying. And her eyes said it all.

All he could do was hope that his eyes said, you're not alone.

Because she wasn't. And she deserved to know it.

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