Peter teaches vines to the avengers.

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Notes: Something I think we all need. Rip vine. Also I used vines with swear words so I could get enough in but I sensored the swear words to remain family friendly. :) hope you don't mind!


Tony, Natasha, Clint, Bruce, And Wanda we're gone on a mission. They had left Thor Bucky and Steve to look after Peter.

Don't get me wrong, all the avengers were close, but when dinner came along, they couldn't find anything to talk about. Finally Steve spoke up, " So Peter, what are those?"

He gestures towards Peters earbud case, that was sitting next to him. A smile grew on Peters face, as he said sassily, " They are my crocs!" The table of men went silent as Peter cracked himself up. "What does Tony Son mean? Those are not crocs." Peter had a devilish grin on his face, " Let me introduce you all to the world of vines."

After dinner Peter put his dishes in the sink then shouted, " Let's do, the fork in the garbage disposal!!! A ring ding ding ding ding ding ding!" Peter flailed his arms in the air as Thor Bucky and Steve watched clueless.

The rest of the night was spent teaching them vines.

The next day all the men were practicing, for some reason trying to impress the 16 year old with there knowledge. Thor handed Bucky a empty water bottle with buckys response, " This b***ch empty! YEET!" He proceeded to chuck the water bottle across the room.

At dinner, they had tacos, which led to numerous things happening such as Steve going, " You know this bois got his free taco!" And Bucky following, " Sabra gives you all your nutrients, like zero trans fat and OMG CHOLESTEROL!" Peter was cracking up.

That night they all decided to have a nerf gun fight. That is when the rest of the avengers got back. Tony walked in with the others but stopped in his tracks when he saw peter on the ceiling with his nerf gun yelling, " I smell like beeef!" Then Bucky joined in who was jumping on one of the couches, " I sMeLl LikE BeEeeEf!"

Peter shot a nerf at Thor who was hiding behind the couch. He immediately said, " Stoop I coulda dropped my croissant."
Steve who was on the coffee table saw tony and the others and said in a childish voice, pointing at the team, " wook at all those chickens!" Tony and the team were legitimately scared, " Do you think they got possessed?"

Peter jumped at tony, into a hug, but still proceeded to yell, " What the f**k is this! Is this allowed?!?" He released and Thor started singing, " Bagel boys! Dum dum dum dum-!" Then Bucky and Steve joined in, making a harmony, " Bagel boys! Dum dum dum dum!" Next peter jumped over to where the others were, " Bagel boys!! Dum dum dum dum! With cream cheese!"

They all started cracking up, as the rest of the team watched, mortified at what was going on. Tony was the first to speak up, "What- what happened-?"

And now when the avengers go on a mission and someone needs to stay with Peter, Bucky, Steve, and Thor always volunteer, and the avengers always come back to something extemly confusing and weird.

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