Halloween Party

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A/N: So this was gonna be more halloween centric but I kinda drifted from that, so here's this. Peter's Deaf in this by the way bc we need more Deaf representation lmao


"Ned, really, if you don't want me to go, I don't have to. I know we said we were gonna binge star wars for Halloween-" Peter rambled, looking around his closet.

"Peter, dude, you're beginning to make me think you don't wanna go, I said it's alright! I mean, how often do you get invited to Tony Stark's Halloween party?!"

"Are you sure it's really okay?" Peter asked once more.

Ned sighed, "Yes Peter, it's fine. I told you MJ Abe and I are gonna hang out. Are you okay, you kinda seem panicky."

Peter paused looking through his closet, "Do you think this is a formal wear type thing, or more casual?"

"I don't know bro, why don't you just text Tony?" Ned asked.

Peters eyes went wide, "No, no, I cannot text the Tony Stark! I'm a kid from Queens, he's a billionaire who just happened to need a sidekick once!"

Ned held in a laugh, "Aw, c'mon, don't talk about yourself like that- to be an avenger you need to believe it man! No more sidekick talk!"

Peter smiled strangely at Ned before going back to worrying.

"What if my cochlear runs out of battery?! Mr. Stark doesn't know I'm Deaf!" Peter says frantically.

Ned raised his eyebrows, "When has that ever happened Peter? And if Tony does find out, I don't think he'll care. Listen, you're gonna be fine, be excited, you're going to a famous person party!"

Peter smiled, "Thanks."

Ned nodded before checking the time, "Oh I've gotta go, I was supposed to be at MJ's five minutes ago- good luck!"

Peter nodded as Ned left, begging him with his eyes to not leave him.

Half an hour later Peter was at the entrance of the party, with a formal-but-casual look.

He was definitely the youngest kid there, he only saw a few other teenagers, who were obviously dragged to the party by their rich parents.

Peter was ready to bolt before one of the four teenagers in the corner called him over.

He awkwardly made his way over to them, noticing they were all super rich, with gucci and LV clothes.

"Hey, I haven't seen you at any of these events before. I'm Zack." A tall boy maybe a few years older then Peter gave him a broad smile.

"Hey, I'm Peter." Peter said nervously.

"I'm Nina." An Asian girl smiled.

"Calliope, but just call me Cal."

"Jordan." The last guy said, "So who's your parent out there?"

"Oh, uh, no parents, Tony Stark actually, he's , uh, a family friend." Peter said nervously.

The others nodded sympathetically, unfazed by Peter knowing such a big name.

"Ugh, these things are literally the worst, like honestly, all of my friends from school are at my friends beach house in Key West, but I have to be at this stupid event." Nina groaned.

Peter was realizing quickly that these kids came from a way different background then him.

"Yeah I was gonna throw a rager at our guest house but I'm stuck here." Jordan said, sliding down in his seat.

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