I'm fine

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No one knew. No one knew MJ was dating Peter.

So obviously, when Peter died, no one knew why she was so upset. They hadn't seemed that close- at least not at school.

Peter was actually pretty popular when everyone found out about his 'internship'. The whole school was shocked. Even though he was popular know one was really closer with him... Well, except MJ.

Peter had died on a Friday, due to a car accident. Outr of all the things he did, he died because of some irresponsible driver.


MJ came back to school.  She hasn't slept since she hears the news.

First period came and went. Namaya looked over at her, while Mr. Stevenson rambled on.

"Hey, are you okay? You're acting weird." She said.

MJ looked over, snapped out of her mindless thoughts, "huh, oh yeah. I'm fine."

Second period was a school assembly.

Mr. Manson, the principal got up onto the stage.

"As you all know, a student close to all of our hearts, has passed away. Peter Parker, died in a car crash, this past Friday. We will be holding a ceremony on this Wednesday. If you want to bring blue balloons, we'll be releasing then at the end of the ceremony. If you have any memories of Mr. Parker, feel free to contact us and you can share them at the ceremony. The counseling office will be open all of this week, and your counselor will write you a pass. Have a good day, and continue on to your second period."

MJ say on her seat, staring off into the distance as everyone around her got up. She didn't have any thoughts. All she had was hurt.

She snapped out of it, when almost everyone was gone. Brady, a pretty popular guy and one of Peters friends was still there with Ned by his side.

She looked over and noticed Brady was crying. Ned was standing next to him comforting him.

She got up and left. She was going to be late for second period.


At the end of the school day on Monday, Tony Stark held a press conference, revealing Peter, was in fact, his adoptive son, and had been for three years.

As MJ passed Peters locker she noticed endless flowers and cards, stuffed bears and fake candles. They were all pulled up next to his locker. She looked away.

MJ was in second period when Kaylee, her lab partner looked at her strangly.

"Hey, are you okay? You've been spacing out a lot." She said.

MJ looked over to Kaylee, "Oh yeah, I'm fine, just tired."

MJ went to her third class. This time, her teacher, Ms. Mara, held her back after class, "MJ are you okay? I notice you've been looking really tired recently. I know you and Peter didn't really know each other, but it's this related to that or is there something I'm not seeing?" Ms. Mara had a caring look in her eyes, as she looked at MJ.

"Oh, I'm fine, just staying up late doing homework." She laughed, to make it seem more believable.

Ms. Mara reluctantly took the answer, "Okay, don't over with yourself okay?"

MJ nodded, "I better be of though, the bells about to ring." She had lunch next so it didn't really matter, but Ms. Mara didn't know that.


Everywhere MJ looked there where blue balloons. It was horrible. It was like she couldn't get away from the fact that he was dead. He was gone forever.

They went outside for the ceremony. MJ spotted her friends but made no move to get to them. The principle started out with a little speech.

Next Ned went up to the microphone. It was windy out, so it was a bit hard to hear. "Peter, was my best friend. One thing I realized over the past few years of knowing him, is that he seems to have a system that he loves by. Take care of others. Make sure everyone else is okay. And then himself. He has gone though so much. His parents, his aunt and uncle all dying, and yet he still came to school with a smile on his face, ready to help whoever he could." Neds speech went on for a bit longer but MJ couldn't listen.

She stood in the middle of the crowd, surrounding by people in black, who didn't even know Peter. She stood in her black dress, with no balloon. She couldn't bare to buy one.

After one more speech, make by Brady, the principal came back to the mic.

"Thank you. Now if we could have a moment of silence, as we release the balloons on the count of three. One, two, three."

Everyone silently let go of there balloons. As the hundreds of balloons drifted off into the sky, MJ couldn't hold it back any longer. She let herself cry.

"MJ." She heard a whisper behind her.

She turned around, not bothering wrong away her tears. It was Tony and Pepper, standing next to a black car, trying not to draw attention to themselves.

MJ ran over to Tony and hugged him close, "I miss him Tony, I really miss him." She let all her tears out. Tony held her close, "I know, I know. It's gonna hurt for a while, it might never stop hurting, but it's going to get better." Tony whispered.

MJs cries rang through the deafening silence. A few people looked back to see her hugging Tony, and now Pepper, but said nothing, and after a moment, have them there privacy.

Tony was right. After a long, long, time, a few therapy sessions, and a lot of support, it got better. It really did.

A/N: okay, okay, I promise I'll write a happy one next. But actually tho sorry for all the sad one shots 😂. I'm definitely passing some happy cute lil stuff soon. If you have any suggestions you can leave them in the comments. Now stop reading and go study for your finals!!!!!

Later my Gators 🐊

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