midnight snack

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akaashi was running a towel through his hair when y/n walked into the bedroom they were sharing. "hey, so i bought the cat because it looked lonely in the hallway." the grey cat jumped to the floor and began to walk around the new space.

"sounds fine with me." akaashi turned around and all his movements froze, his eyes stuck on the girl standing in front of him. all the gears in his head stopped turning and his feet were stuck to the floor. she was just wearing a tshirt and shorts that couldn't even be seen from under the large shirt.

"cool. i call the side of the bed that's next to the wall." y/n walked past akaashi with the cat in her arms. he kept his eyes forward to compose himself before turning around.

"okay." he didn't walk any closer to the bed. there was only one huge blanket that the two of them would have to share.

y/n was too busy talking to the cat to notice akaashi lingering next to the bed. it wasn't until the small cat turned his head to him did she looked over. "you can lay down too you know? it's your bed for the night along with mine."

"i can really sleep on the floor if you want." akaashi said and played with the ends of the blanket.

"don't be stupid." she moved over and patted the spot that was next to her and at the same time a good distance away. akaashi slowly made his way to the bed and sat down.

the small cat moved away from y/n and walked over to akaashi. one of his paws reached out and swiped at the strings on the sweatpants akaashi was wearing.

he was wearing daiki's old clothes since he didn't bring anything to spend the night with. all he bought were his glasses, computer, and the book for y/n.

for pants, it was a pair of grey sweatpants that fit him almost perfectly and a black t-shirt for the top. the shirt was a little big for him but he was fine with that.

y/n was paying attention to the cat only so she wouldn't have to look at him. she found him attractive which is something that she didn't want to admit. but the combination between the clothes, the slightly damp hair, and his glasses was amazing.

akaashi noticed that she hadn't looked at him once since she came back into the room. "you're sure that it's not going to be uncomfortable with me sleeping with you on the bed?"

"i'm sure."

"then why won't you look at me?"

she gave him a pointed look at his words and refrained from moving her gaze up and down his body. her eyes stayed solely on his eyes and the two of them maintained eye contact until y/n was the first to look away.

akaashi cleared his throat and reached for his computer while y/n reached for his book. they both went back to their own thing and didn't talk to each other, only managing to steal small glances.

the sound of akaashi's computer keys and the flipping pages of the book were the only sounds that filled the room. the cat had gotten up and left the room to explore the house more which left the two of them alone.

"are you tired?" akaashi asked when y/n let out a small yawn and lifted the blanket closer around her body.

"no." she grabbed a yellow sticky note and stuck it over one of akaashi's previous one.

"tell me if you are and if the light is too bright i can turn it off." he moved the blanket over so she could get a little more of it.

"i'm not tired." she shook her head and moved closer to akaashi. "how's your writing?"

"better than usual." he answered and leaned his head against the headboard. his head was looking forward at his computer screen but his eyes were on her. "i didn't edit too much out of the first chapter."

"really? why?"

"you said you liked it." he shrugged and went back to typing. "so i kept it."

y/n was quiet after that and that made akaashi a little nervous. he looked to the side and saw her looking up at him with a fond smile on her face. "you didn't have to, you know. i would've liked it even if you changed it. i'll like everything you ever write."

akaashi felt like his stomach just turned into a butterfly enclosure. "you can't say things like that." he said, slightly embarrassed.

"but you look so cute when you blush." she removed closer to him and rested her chin on his shoulder. "your cheeks turn red and it's adorable." akaashi lightly pushed her head closer to him and hid his face on the top of her head.

"shut up and go to sleep."

"how many times do i have to tell you. i'm not tired."

"then close your eyes and try to sleep."

"no thanks." y/n lifted her head and sat up on the bed. "want to go on an adventure?"

"an adventure to where?" akaashi asked, but closed his laptop. she just took his hand and dragged him downstairs. "the kitchen?"

"midnight snacks." y/n lifted herself up to the counter and opened one of the cupboards where the snacks were. "take your pick."

"this is our adventure?" he started walking closer to her and his gaze moved between the snacks and the girl sitting under them.

"this is our adventure." she nodded and slowly her knees parted when akaashi neared her. he took one step between them and reached past her head to a bag of cookies.

both of them were aware of how flustered they made each other and the number of butterflies they gave each other. they didn't talk of it though. when akaashi looked back down at y/n he found her already looking at him and their faces were only a few centimeters apart.

"do you want anything to drink?" she barely moved her lips, scared that if she did move them too much they would touch his.

"whatever you're having is fine with me." akaashi cleared his throat and took a step back so she could get off the counter. he leaned his elbows against the kitchen island while his hips jutted out. he was watching her every movement, his eyes never leaving her once.

i wanted to kiss you. i really did. you were just there in front of me and it was the perfect opportunity to just lean forward. but i didn't. perhaps i just wanted you to kiss me instead of the other way around. but know one thing, i have never wanted to kiss someone more than i wanted you. i want your kiss, your hugs, your words, your everything. i will always want you, every last part of you and i don't think that will ever change.

"hope you like hot chocolate." y/n spoke up while mixing the cup of hot liquid.

"thank you." akaashi took the cup from her and noticed how she avoided eye contact with him again. "let's get back to the room."


"this was a great adventure. my favorite one."

"i'm an expert when it comes to midnight adventures to the kitchen."

"take me on more another time?"

"just say the word and i'll take you." y/n turned around when they reached the door and looked at akaashi while walking inside.

"and i'll follow you wherever you go."

that was a lie. just neither of them knew it yet.





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