one line

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y/n woke up the next morning next a shirt on her instead of her dress and laying in a bed that was not hers.

she turned her head to the side and was met with pillows and no akaashi. she knew that she got to his apartment last night and probably fell asleep while they were talking so was he?

after she stretched a little bit, she got out of bed and went to his bathroom. there was an unopened toothbrush on the counter along with a note attached to it. she opened the box while reading his note.

hi, i had to go somewhere this morning so here's a new toothbrush. feel free to eat anything and read any book on the shelf. there are a few art supplies in the last drawer of my desk. make yourself at home and i'll be back soon.
- k. akaashi

and she did. after she brushed her teeth, y/n explored his living room and the books that he wrote and made into a paperback before storing it away on his shelf.

she wanted to read them but decided to wait for akaashi and read them with him there instead. so she pulled out her phone and played music on it while searching for the art supplies.

akaashi returned home to find y/n sitting on the kitchen chair with her legs folded under her and a pen in her hands. there was music playing, not too loud but it wasn't quiet either.

she didn't turn her head when he walked in and just continued moving the pen along the paper. akaashi took the moment to stand by the door and watch her draw. she was still in his shirt from last night, not bothering to put on her dress again.

akaashi started moving towards her and stood behind her with his hands lightly brushing against her shoulders.

y/n tilted her head up and smiled up at him. "hi." she said and dropped her pen.

"hello." akaashi leaned down and pressed a kiss to her lips. "what are you drawing?" he lifted his head back up but stayed behind her with his hands on her shoulders.

"i saw your book and just starting drawing." she picked up the sheet of paper to show him. "i found one scene i remembered and decided to draw it."

the two of them laid down on the bed while facing each other, neither of them speaking but their eyes held more words than their mouth could ever say. slowly, he raised his hand to her face and brushed a strand of hair away while cupping the side of her face. she knew he was going to break her heart before he opened his mouth. just because she knew that it was going to happen didn't mean it was going to hurt any less.

"maybe we just weren't meant to be together." he spoke and at the same time that the last word fell from his lips, she turned away from him. "please, look at me." he placed his hand on your arm but didn't move her. "that doesn't mean that i don't want to... we just weren't meant to end up like this."

"then what were we supposed to end up like?" she asked quietly, avoiding his eyes that she knew could get her to break within seconds if she looked into them.

"i would've changed everything to be with you. i would've changed the fate of us. you have to believe me on that." his heart broke as her eyes filled with tears from her own heartbreak. "i want to change fate so badly. please believe me. i love you. i love you. i love you. i love you. i'll never stop loving you for as long as i live."

the drawing was two people facing each other. the details on the face weren't intricate or anything. it was a simple line drawing. one line for two people and the empty line for the title of his book that akaashi had yet to find.

the girl had bright colors all over her body and her lines while the color on the guy a little less fluorescent and duller colors compared to the girl's colors.

sparks fly - k. akaashi Where stories live. Discover now