head spins

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akaashi was on the verge of deleting his whole book. he read through what he wrote so far and found himself scrolling up and down the document with his finger hovering over the backspace button.

right when his finger was about to press down, there was a knock on the door. he shut his computer and took a deep breath before walking to answer it. "hey." konoha nodded in greeting before walking into the apartment.

"hi!" y/n pressed a kiss to akaashi's cheek. "it's freezing out there."

"i can tell." he pulled on the winter hat that she had on to the point where it covered her eyes. "you look adorable in this hat." y/n shoved the hat back up and smiled up at him. that smile that became his favorite sight to see since the first time he saw it.

he also realized that this was the first time she didn't hide her face when he gave her a compliment. his hand reached up to her chin and brushed against her cheek. he tilted her head up and pressed his lips against hers. "thanks for coming here."

"it's not every day you finish a book." y/n patted his hip as she passed by him and walked over to konoha. "bokuto should be on his way up, i believe." akaashi leaned out of the doorframe and saw his best friend walking down the hall.

"hey! did i beat the other two?" bokuto asked while running the last bit to the door.

"no!" konoha shouted. "i'm very punctual and somehow i was still early while dragging his one with me." he poked y/n on the side of her head.

"it's not my fault rin doesn't like us leaving her alone all the time." the two of them stopped by kenji and emika's bookstore before going to akaashi's place. "anyway can we all focus on the main point here?"

"right, akaashi! your book!" bokuto hung up his coat and tugged on his scarf, struggling a little bit when it got up in his face. "i am ready to read." he cracked his knuckles and stretched his arms above his head.

"you're here to read not go to compete in a marathon, dude." konoha commented when bokuto continued stretching his arms. "all you need to do his flip the page. not much physical movement in that."

"and move his eyes." y/n added with a glance to akaashi. "movement of the eyes is physical." she quoted the words that akaashi told to her during the night with her family.

"i can email you guys the document if you want." akaashi sat down in the sofa next to y/n and let his leg settle against hers. "and i also printed a few copies of the book if you prefer the original way."

"paper." y/n answered, wanting to highlight and sticky notes things again.

"computer." konoha knew he would lose his patience with having to flip through hundreds sheets of paper.

"paper." bokuto always liked adding comments.

"alright." akaashi reached for his laptop and made a copy of his story for konoha to add anything he wanted. "here." konoha was absent from his seat when he was done making a copy. "uh.. where did he go?"

"claimed that reading is never complete with snacks and a drink." bokuto answered. "i agree with him. and i need background noise because silence is disturbing in a weird way." bokuto reached for the stack of cd's akaashi had that held movies and music.

"i can get you sticky notes if you like." akaashi let his fingers graze over her thigh. "i know you love to use them."

"yes please." he stood up and went to get all the sticky note pads that he had. he returned with a small stack of different color notes. "thank you." she leaned into akaashi's side the second he sat back down. "how do you feel about finishing the book?"

sparks fly - k. akaashi Where stories live. Discover now