missed call

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in akaashi's eyes, the world looked like it was spinning and his head felt as if it had been slammed against the wall multiple times.

he blinked up at the ceiling and looked down. he was in his room. he knew that much. he was laying in his bed and his bedroom was nearly empty.

it's been nearly empty for the last month.

he reached for his bedside table to get his phone. his usual alarm clock wasn't sitting on the surface so he had to check his phone for the time.

the problem was his phone was utterly useless. it had no more battery left. he tossed it back into the table and took a look out the window, seeing the sunlight shine past his curtains.

akaashi got out of bed and went to retrieve the charger to his phone before heading to the bathroom. his head still felt like it was going to explode at any minute but he pushed through to hurry with his morning routine. or whatever time it was.

he went into the kitchen and pulled the fridge open, looking for something to drink or eat. he grabbed a carton of milk and shut the door. he also grabbed the single box of cereal he had and moved it over to the counter.

while pouring some cereal and milk into a bowl, akaashi stared at his empty fridge doors and tilted his head slightly to the side.

something was off. something wasn't right.

it wasn't until he spotted something that seemed to have fallen under the counter did he realize the problem. he leaned down to pick up the paper and every gear in his head stopped turning.

i know you won't forget but it's always better to be safe than sorry, i suppose. just flip this paper over and the information and everything will be on the back. your own formal invitation bought to you by the lovely l/n y/n. you should feel honored <3

he wasn't feeling honored. he felt like he was about to lose his breakfast that he just consumed minutes ago.

akaashi ditched the rest of his cereal and rushed over to his phone that was on eleven percent. the second he turned it on, texts and calls from konoha and bokuto came piling in.

konoha { 3:49 p.m } hey, y/n made me remind you that her art show thing is tonight

bokuto { 4:11 p.m } u should get her flowers. didn't she get u flowers that one time? get those same ones. it would be sweet for u to get her flowers. or maybe U CAN FINALLY ASK HER TO BE UR GIRLFRIEND !!

1 missed call from bokuto

bokuto { 4:13 p.m } i wanna see ur outfit. it has to be perfect and look good enough so that the second you walk in there everyone will turn to look at u and you'll have y/n swept off her feet !!!

bokuto { 4:20 p.m } fine. be like that. keep ur outfit to urself and bokuto review-less. what if it's horrible and u walk into the building in an ugly outfit? oh the horror. THE SHAME !!!!

konoha { 6:52 p.m } : we're at the place now and she just bought you up and thought i'd shoot you another text

konoha { 7:15 p.m } dude, you coming soon?

2 missed calls from konoha

konoha { 7:36 p.m } she keeps looking over to the door. where are you? are you okay?

bokuto { 7:39 p.m } HEY i'm gonna go see y/n and take a look at her painting. konoha told me ur not answering and u didn't answer mine either so imma go see her just in case she's lonely

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