hate and love

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akaashi got out of the cab and paid the driver before gathering his things out of the car.

y/n put the caps back onto the tubes of paint before dropping her paintbrushes into the water and throwing the paint into a box.

he looked down at his watch.

she looked up at her clock.

7:11 p.m

he turned around and walked down the familiar sidewalk he's walked down multiple times before.

she got into the elevator and waited for it to get to the ground floor.

he walked past the stores where the lights were still on the inside. the warm glow of the lights in the cold winter weather was soothing, almost too much like the type of scenes that happen in movies.

she walked out of the building with her coat wrapped around her and her bag over her shoulder. people walked past her with shopping bags in their hands, probably from christmas shopping.

he had one place in his mind. the one place he hasn't been to for a few months now.

she wondered if it was time to go back yet. it has been a few months now.

hot chocolate sounded good right now

he made his way through crowds of people who were laughing and talking to each other.

she made her way down the sidewalk alone with only the street lights giving her something besides the dark.

he turned the corner.

she walked across the street.

he saw her.

she didn't see him.

y/n walked through the warm atmosphere of the coffee shop. she missed coming here at least twice every week. "one hot chocolate please." she ordered and reached into her bag to get the money but something stopped her.

"make that two." her whole body went rigid when she heard the voice that's been on her mind for the past few months.

she didn't dare turn to her and instead focused on him handing the worker the money. akaashi looked at her when she didn't stop him from paying. she never let him pay, not until now. she had no reason to now. he was once again, a stranger.

"here you go." two red and green cups were placed on the counter with two wrapped candy canes next to the cups.

"thank you." they both said at the same time. y/n quickly grabbed her cup and moved away. akaashi stayed at the counter for a few more seconds before turning and walking after her.

he wondered if she was going to leave the shop or take a seat at one of the tables. he didn't have to wonder for long because soon she walked to the door.

right when he was certain she was going to leave, her head turned and she looked back at him from over her shoulder.

akaashi didn't think twice before following after her. she opened the door and kept it open for him. honestly, that small action made the hope in his chest grow even if she was just being polite.

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