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akaashi woke up with someone half on his chest and his arm wrapped around someone's waist. he opened one eye to look down at y/n who's head was against his upper arm. her fingers were loosely wrapped around his hand and their legs were all tangled together.

he was torn between staying still and not moving her and getting up to get ready for the day. that decision was made for him when y/n rolled over and moved her legs away from him which only left her hand that was holding his.

akaashi easily slipped his hand out of her grip and stood up to go to the bathroom. he replaced himself with his pillow so she could hug onto that instead.

when y/n woke up twenty minutes later she was slightly confused where akaashi was. after brushing her teeth, she followed the sound of voices downstairs and found him in the kitchen with daiki and kiyo. 

"... no this is my mom's house actually. i think it was her grandmother's before that though..." daiki's voice was the first to be heard. 

"hi." she spoke up, making all three of them look over at her. akasshi's eyes quickly looked over her body up and down twice before turning away.

daiki and kiyo glanced at each other before looking back at akaashi and then kenji who was in the living room and then to y/n.

"are you guys heading back home this morning?" daiki asked to break the silence. kiyo continued studying akaashi and how he stared down at the counter in front of him to refrain from looking at the girl standing behind him.

"yeah, akaashi's got a meeting tomorrow." y/n answered and raised herself up to sit on the stool
next to him. "we're driving back after breakfast."

"kaashi!" lana cheered and ran up to him. her arms wrapped around his legs and akaashi sat down next to y/n so he could lift his legs up and easily lift her up.

"hello." he was much more comfortable with holding lana now than he was yesterday. kiyo handed y/n a cup of coffee and placed one down for akaashi.

"morning." emika walked into the kitchen and gave a quick hug to her daughter before standing next to her twin and making a coffee for herself.

"staying?" lana asked and looked up at akasshi.

"no, we have to leave." he answered and let her sit on his leg that was the closest to y/n. she leaned over to tickled her cousin's stomach.

"visit?" lana asked again and looked between y/n and akasshi with curious eyes.

"sure kid, we'll visit." he used his other hand to pick up his coffee and bring it to his lips. lana seemed satisfied with his answer and raised her arms up for y/n to hold her.

akasshi handed her over to y/n and went back to watching the two of them. the way lana listened to her cousin talk to her with fascination in her eyes was also the same look akaashi held on his face when she talked.

eventually the whole family came into the kitchen and had breakfast together. lana went back to her dad and demanded his attention. she jumped up and down next to him until daiki leaned down to pick her up into his arms. she wrapped his arms around him and daiki pressed a kiss to his daugther's chubby cheek.

"here's your clothes." emika said when breakfast was over and the two of them started to get ready to leave. "hope you enjoyed the night with us."

"thank you." akaashi smiled and took the bag. "it was a great night and really fun to meet everyone."

"mom, can i keep the cat?" y/n asked and lifted the grey cat up in her arms.

"ask your uncle daiki."

sparks fly - k. akaashi Where stories live. Discover now