mess of letters

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akaashi was leaned against the wall and kept his eyes on y/n who was talking with her family. he was standing off to the side with bokuto and konoha.

"when she gonna open your present?" konoha asked and raised his can of soda to his lips.

"when you're not around." akaashi answered.

"i'm nosy. i want to know."

"me too." bokuto chimed in.

"you guys aren't going to unless she wants you to." the returned feeling of worry ran through him. now that the situation of her family was good and they didn't seem to dislike him, the gift situation came back.

what if she didn't remember the reference behind the gift? what if his gift just looked stupid at that point?

"akaashi!" all three guys turned their heads to find kaede walking towards him with her arms up, ready for a hug.

she ended up pulling all three of them into a huge group hug. "akaashi, are you staying the night?" she asked when the hug broke apart.

akaashi glanced over to y/n and found that her head was already turned in his direction while lana was talking as if she still had her cousin's full attention.


"my sister wants you to stay." kaede answered, already knowing what question he was about to ask. "trust me. and you've been carrying around that bag all night, i'm sure you want to give it to her on your own."

she wasn't wrong. akaashi had been carrying around the little blue bag all night. it was quite awkward in a way. everyone else had cake or drinks and he had a blue bag hanging from his hand.

"yeah, alright." akaashi gave kaede his answer. "if she's truely okay with it."

"she's okay with it." y/n came over to them with lana holding onto her hand. the young girl looked up at everyone and smiled, swaying from side to side which made her little purple dress sway as she moved. "lana wanted to say hi."

"hi!" lana shouted up at the three guys who towered over her. once again, she wasn't sure if they were able to hear her from that height.

"hey!" bokuto crouched down to pick her up, bringing her up to their heigh.

"wanna go get some more cake?" konoha asked and ended up pushing bokuto towards the kitchen.

"i'm gonna go find emi." kaede patted her sister's shoulder before going back to the living room where her girlfriend was sitting and talking to daiki.

that left y/n and akaashi.

"hi." he said first. he was always the one to break the silence, that hasn't changed.

"hi." she smiled up at him and looked down at his blue bag. "is your present gonna be the last one i'm opening?"


"and you're staying the night." she said and continued looking down at the bag.

"i am."

"that's nice." akaashi wasn't expecting y/n to walk away after that. he was unsure of whether she wanted him to follow after her or stay where he was.

one glance over her shoulder was enough. akaashi started walking behind her and followed her into the backyard of the house.

y/n sat down on the steps on the back porch and akaashi sat down next to her, leaving the smallest bit of space between them.

both their legs were stretched out in front of them and their shoes bumped against each other. y/n leaned back a little and looked over to akaashi.

"how's your birthday?" he asked when he caught her looking.

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