empty fridge

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the weather was starting to get warmer which meant winter was ending and spring was starting to arrive. that also gave y/n a heads up that the art show that her painting was going to be displayed in was coming closer and closer by day.

"is this what you feel like before your shows?" she spoke into her phone where her sister, kaede, was listening on the other end.

"yes, but ever since i met emi it's been a little less nerve wracking." she answered. "besides, you have your own lover don't you? the writer, akaashi?"

"he's not my lover." y/n denied.

"you guys kiss and went on a date. you bought him home to meet the family. you left him in the room with uncle kiyo and daiki. they just stared at that poor boy as he waited for you to come back."

"i was in the bathroom! he was doing fine."

"he was definitely not doing fine. imagine if dad was there to join in the staring with that accusation look that says "i don't like you, you're dating my youngest, precious, most adorable, daughter." kaede wanted to laugh at the image of that.

"dad likes him. they actually do get along quite well when akaashi comes to the bookstore." y/n informed her. "and we're not dating."

"you might as well be. you act like a couple more than those non-chemistry couples on tv. emi makes me watch those and it's disgusting watching these two awkward people with no chemistry get together..."

the end of kaede's rant seemed to miss their way to y/n's ear due to her eyes finding akaashi. "hey kaede.."

"akaashi's there isn't he? mom and dad always said your mind seemed to go blank whenever you saw him. now i understand what they mean. okay, have fun with your boyfriend-not boyfriend! call me later." y/n barely had time to process what kaede said about her parents before akaashi smiled at her, making her brain go haywire.

"hi." akaashi greeted when he was next to her. "i have a deal to make with you." his hand reached up to tug on her winter hat, but it wasn't there. "where's your hat?"

"it isn't cold today." she did enjoy the way akaashi would pull the hat over her eyes despite the annoyed look she sent his way. "it's 71 degrees."

"that's a shame. maybe you should start wearing a spring hat." he said and moved his hand back down until it reached her hand and he hooked his pinky around hers.

"i'll bring the hat back out next year." she said and happily looked down at their pinkies before looking back up to press a kiss to his lips. "so, what's your deal?"

"what?" akaashi blinked. "oh, right. remember that book cover you drew that one day?" he asked.


"can i use it?"


"i won't change it if you don't want me to."

"change whatever you want."

"i don't want to change anything."

"then don't."

"okay." he tugged on her hand until she was pressed up against his side. his arm wrapped around her shoulders and his head turned so his lips were against her temple. "you'll get paid."

"thank you, i quite like money." she looked over to akaashi and saw him smiling at her comment.

"do you like your original drawing? i can send it to my editor and publisher and get it confirmed." he felt one of her hands slip into his pocket while they walked.

"i'm cool with it." she answered. "i do want to see how it looks with the book title and everything. if it doesn't look good, i'm changing it."

"you got it. now, your art show is coming up isn't it?" he had the date saved in his phone and on his calender along with a sticky note stuck onto his fridge.

"yep. it's at the beginning of next month." the nervous feeling of the mention of the show wasn't as bad as it was before. "which reminds me." y/n turned her head and reached into her bag. "a formal invitation."

akaashi took the envelope that she handed to him, his name sprawled on the back. "a formal invitation, i'm honored."

"you should be. konoha is getting a text on his phone everyday that counts down the days until the day."

"i'll stick this on my fridge." he slid it into his bag. "my fridge used to never have anything on it until you came along."

"glad to see i'm making your fridge pretty. empty fridges are such a waste of potential decorations." the two of them arrived to the coffee shop and walked inside.

from your invitation to the drawing you made, magnets i've bought because they remind me of you, sticky notes, and other small things. you slowly took over my life and it was almost like my fridge was my mind. it was all empty and dull until i met you. you filled me with so many feelings. i've never been so excited to start my day with the hope that i could possibly see you at the coffee shop or the bookstore. you make my darkest days bright. you, my darling, you are the light of my life.

"can i-" y/n was already walking to the counter and left akaashi to wonder why he even tried to ask to pay for her.

"you should really stop trying to pay." she said and slid him a cup of coffee. they alternated between hot chocolate and coffee.

"one day, one day i'll be the one paying." he said and lifted the cup to his lips.

"you can try. you just won't win." y/n rested her elbows on the table and propped her face in her hands, looking at the boy sitting across from her.

"are you sure you don't have anything you want to change about the cover before i send it in?" he asked to be sure.

"are you sure you want to use my simple drawing for your book cover. people do judge books by their cover." she informed him. "put yourself in some random person's shoes. when you see a book with a drawing of two people being connected by one line while only one of them has color, would you buy it?"


"you aren't only saying that because i made it?" y/n raised her eyebrows at him and akaashi shrugged.

"i am."

"you're not supposed to be in your shoes! you're supposed to be in someone else's shoes. some random person off the street who's looking for a book to read."

"i could be that random person who's looking for a book to read." akaashi nudged his foot with hers from under the table.

"you are completely missing my point!" y/n groaned and akaashi grinned, finding amusement in her frustration.

"but yes, i would buy it even if i didn't know you drew the cover." he finally answered.

"thank you!" their legs seemed to be tangled under the table and neither of them moved away. akaashi continued to tease her and see how far he could get with dodging her questions while y/n refrained herself from kicking his legs.

as the day went by, the workers and the other customers kept stealing glances to the two people sitting in the middle of the shop, arguing with each other but they both had the most loving smiles on their faces.

the look in their eyes were clear to everyone. it didn't take a genius to figure out what was held in their eyes.

pure love.

short chapter today

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