book cart

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y/n knew that she had forgiven akaashi a long time ago. despite how much akaashi was willing to earn back her forgiveness, he had already earned it back.

but she wasn't going to say no if he randomly showed up at the coffee shop or the bookstore just to talk to her and shower her with kisses.

like he was right now.

y/n was restocking the bookshelves and he was pushing the book cart while balancing his laptop on top of the books, typing while he walked.

"do you still have hundreds of words?" she asked when she turned back to pick up a few books.


"did you cut anything out?"

"no." he started typing. "i think i might've added another few hundred so now i'm up to a thousand and something."

"and here i thought you were here to edit and start organizing." akaashi looked up and gave her a guilty smile.

"got a few more ideas while following you around." he started to read over the section he just wrote while they walked through the aisle.

"hey." kenji walked past and he gave his daughter and akaashi a smile. "good to see you here again, akaashi." he looked down at his phone to check the day. "for the fourth time this week."

"very fond of books, this bookstore, and your daughter, sir." akaashi dipped his head into a nod before pushing the cart to follow y/n who was at the next aisle.

"don't call me sir!" kenji called back as he walked back to the front desk. akaashi looked back to y/n and began typing while keeping his eyes on her.

"i think your dad is starting to get annoyed by my presence." he said and glanced back to his laptop screen, making sure the red squiggly lines weren't showing up on the document.

"no, he's not." y/n shook her head while reaching up to slid a book into the shelf. "trust me, my dad never gets annoyed and if he ever does get annoyed it has to be about something major."

"so me coming by just to follow his daughter around for hours at a time isn't something major?" akaashi asked and lifted up his laptop to hand y/n the books under it.

"um.. seeing how he did the exact same thing with my mom, but instead he followed her all over school and used the excuse of being my uncle's best friend to be around her. so, no, i think he understands your predicament."

"it's not a predicament." akaashi said and leaned against the cart. "it's just my favorite thing to do to fill up my free time during the day."

"your stuff hasn't gotten there yet has it?" y/n looked over her shoulder at him, her arm still reaching up to get one of the books on the higher shelf.

akaashi stepped out from behind the cart and stood behind her. he placed one hand on her hip and his other hand reached up to get the book onto the shelf for her.

"thank you." she said, very aware how close akaashi was to her and where his hand was.

"you're welcome." akaashi pressed a kiss to the side of her head before pulling away. he lifted his laptop off the book cart and slid it back into his bag.

"find anything that's caught your eye yet?" along with visiting the bookstore, akaashi would buy one or two books each time he came by.

"yeah." y/n glanced up at him when she moved to grab the last few books in the cart only to find him looking back at her. "something's definitely caught my eye."

she felt her face heat up at his words and she turned around to hide her face from him. she put the last books away before pushing the cart back into the storage room to avoid any teasing.

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