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akaashi stood outside the coffee shop, hesitating to go inside. he saw y/n through the window when he approached and she was smiling at the person working at the front desk when they handed her the coffee.

her smile had made him stop in his tracks and just admire her from afar. this would be the first time they've seen each other since their kiss and he was only slightly nervous.

he almost asked bokuto for her phone number on the ride back to his place but remembered that she liked the way they didn't have each other's phone number.

akaashi glanced back into the shop and his nerves went up when he noticed y/n walked towards the door that would lead to him.

he didn't know whether to walk inside or just stay outside, but the decision was made for him when the door opened and y/n stepped out into the sidewalk, almost bumping into him.

"akaashi!" she looked over at akaashi and gave him a smile that made him want to melt into the sidewalk.

"hi." was all he said in return.

"do you want coffee? i can go get you some."

"no, i'm okay." akaashi shook his head. "i was only passing by." he did want coffee but the words seemed to be stuck in his throat.

y/n tilted her head and examined his face before reaching for his hand and going back inside. "you do want coffee. it's written all over your face."

akaashi silently wondered how she was so casual and acting as nothing happened while he was there, mind blanking out and acting like a ten-year-old who just got asked out on a playground date.

"okay." he let her go and get him coffee and settled with sitting down in the chair. his eyes never strayed from her once and he took the opportunity to look at her without risking getting caught and embarrassing himself.

the problem was that the more he looked at her, the more his mind would flash back to their kiss in the rain. the way she clung onto him, her fingers running through his hair, the way her lips felt against his.. he seriously could not get that out of his head.

"here." y/n placed down the coffee cup and sat down across from him. "i also have.." she opened up her bag and pushed aside her sketchbook and papers before pulling out a book. "your book."

"you finished it?" akaashi reached for the book and opened it up. "how was it?"

"you'll have to read my notes for that answer." she was observing his face to see his reaction. "i made sure to put my own sticky note along with every one of yours." akaashi looked back up at her and raised his eyebrows.

"i put a sticky note on nearly every page." he remembered and started to flip through the books. he could see yellow sticky notes attached to his blue ones with her writing on them. "did you really put a sticky note under all of mine?"

"yes. i nearly ran out of sticky notes because of that." she nodded and her eyes flickered back and forth between his face and the book. "i hope you don't mind that."

"not at all." akaashi said quickly. "i'm actually looking forward to reading them." he shut the book and made a mental note to read them as soon as he got free time during his day.

he looked up from the book and caught y/n still looking at him. she was no longer watching him for his reaction. she was now admiring him and sent him a small smile when his eyes met hers.

his whole body felt like it was on fire under her gaze. but he never once felt uncomfortable with her, not once. everything disappeared when she was around and he could only ever pay attention to her.

sparks fly - k. akaashi حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن