Then And Now

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Sudha Pillai (Amma)

"Woah, Akka! I didn't know you had the guts to continue the first match tradition by wearing the jersey when you knew that guests were coming over."

Devi tells Kriti as they both enter the kitchen. I look at both my daughters, grinning widely. I must admit that I am surprised that Kriti chose to wear her jersey and not dress up like Devi had. My instincts tell me that this choice is not only based on her loyalty for the team but something else as well.

She looks at her watch and then comes over to help me complete my final stages of preparing the meal. Devi takes a spoon to taste the Rasam.

She nods her head in approval. I smile at her.

As Ponnu stirs the curry, I whisper to her,
"You know your Appa won't like that you chose to wear the jersey instead of a top or kurti, don't you?"

Her gaze remains fixed on the curry.

"I do."

I absorb her unspoken words from her determined aura.

I struggle to hide an amused smile.

Kritika has always looked up to her father. In fact, she's devoted to him, maintaining a "Your wish is my command," dynamic between them. 

Until now.

When she refused to miss the match, I noticed Ajith's expression. He didn't look angry or annoyed but rather, sad and maybe even a little defeated. At first, I thought it was because this was the first time they didn't see eye to eye on something but when I saw his dampened mood linger throughout the day, I understood that there was more to it. Something I couldn't place a finger on. Yet.

Knowing Ajith, I gave him the space he needed. Hoping it would help him quit worrying about whatever that was bothering him.

The doorbell diverts our attention.
Ajith walks out of our room, and looks at us before walking towards the door.

His eyes widen a little after watching Kriti but he turns towards the door quickly.

Nandish, Srinivas and Anita walk in. I reach out to embrace Anita.

"Long time, Sudha!" She says as we break the hug.

"Indeed." She gestures towards Nandish and Kriti, and sighs, indicating that we let their distance affect our friendship.

I nod. After that evening when Kriti admitted to breaking all ties with Nandish, Anita and I lost touch as well.

She never told me the reason why she was so adamant on not talking to him but I understood.

There used to be something special between both of them. Each being equally attentive and involved while the other was present.

But today, that spark seems to have died. At least from Kriti's side.

As they settle down, we offer them water.

I notice that Nandish's eyes are fixed on Kriti.

"CSK vs RCB, aye?" He asks her as a fond smile settles on his face.

Kriti smiles politely. "Yes." And takes the opportunity to switch the television on.

"So, young man, how's it being a corporate lawyer?" Asks Ajith.

"As exciting as I hoped but more tiring than I had imagined." Ajith nods positively.

"I always thought that your analytical skills would take you far." He reaches out to pat him on his back.

I turn my head towards Kriti and see her polite smile intact.

My poor girl. She has clearly moved on from being actively involved in his life to not being interested in hearing the details about it.


Our discussion comes to an halt as MS Dhoni and Virat Kohli walk in for the toss, each pair of eyes looking at the screen.

Kriti raises the volume.

After the toss, Ajith is looking at Kriti, waiting for her to meet his eyes.

"They didn't pick Ruturaj Gaikwad tonight?" He looks less surprised than he sounds.

Kriti's face breaks into an assured smile. "Someday, Appa, someday."

I watch the challenge in his eyes and the determination in hers and now I understand.

Ruturaj Gaikwad.

He's the one Ajith is worried about.


I'm impressed by how maturely Kriti is handling talking to the Nairs and watching the match.

She's torn between two worlds but her inclination towards cricket is not preventing her from participating whenever needed.

I'm beginning to understand the reason for the augmentation in her affinity towards the other world.

I make a mental note to ask her about Ruturaj.

"So, Sudha, what do you do when you're not teaching at the University?" Anita asks me once they're done with the dinner.

"I have recently resumed stitching."

"Really? That's wonderful!" Her face lights up, well aware of my fondness for threads and needles. 

"Would you like to see some of the designs?"

She nods happily. We leave Ajith and Srinivas talking about the upcoming elections and Devi, Kriti and Nandish clapping as another RCB batsman gets out.

Once we're alone, Anita lowers her voice and asks, "Have you started looking for grooms?"

I look at her surprised. She laughs at my reaction.

"I knew you'd look at me like that. Trust me, I had the same reaction when when Sri suggested that we should start looking for matches."

"But Anita, don't you think our kids would be better off with their own choices rather than us finding matches for them?"

"Yes. That's what I told him. But he said that Nandish is too career-oriented right now, and by the time he settles down, all the good matches would already be taken."

"And what do you think?"

"I disagree. I think the one meant for him will find her way to him."

"Still the romantic, aren't you?" I laugh as I nod.

"Yes!" She exclaims.

Her eyes twinkle and she has a faraway look on her face.

Yes, Anita, may both our children find the ones their hearts seek.


A/n - I will not be able to update the story for a few days. (Probably until the 1st week of February.)
Until we meet again! Stat safe, and keep smiling.

Match Made In Hotel | Ruturaj Gaikwad ✓Where stories live. Discover now