The Surprise

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26th March, 2019. Chennai.

Since the last three minutes, I've been watching Nikhar appear distracted while talking to me. She's not meeting my eyes and fumbling occasionally. I know that there's something that she wants to say but doesn't seem to have figured out the best way to put it.

"I was just going to bake some cupcakes-"

"Nikhar..." I stop her mid-sentence. She finally looks up.

"Just say it." I encourage her by squeezing my hand, simultaneously bracing myself to hear her out. Unlike me, Nikhar doesn't fuss on little things. If she's hesitating to say something then it must be something huge.

"I have invited Nandu to my Mumbai birthday bash."

Ah. So that's what she wanted to tell me. A slow smile spreads on my face.

Along with me, Nandish was Nikhar's best friend too. After we decided to not stay in touch, Nikhar stopped talking about him in front of me. She stood with me like a pillar, putting my comfort before her need to constantly be around Nandu. The ones who used to love smearing cakes on each other's faces stopped going to each other's birthday parties. Because of me.

Today, with her revelation, I feel nothing but relief. Finally. It took nine years but finally Nandish will be there when Nikhar turns twenty five, the next week.

"That's amazing, Nikhar! He'll finally get to smear a cake on your face like old times."

I grin. She examines my face for any signs of forced happiness but when she finds none she lets out a long breath.

"I know right! It'll be super fun to travel together, stay in Mumbai for three damn days, and spend time with each other."

I shake my head. Wondering how this girl came up with the plan to celebrate her birthday in the city she always wanted to visit - Mumbai, with her bestfriends, the sister she bonded the most with and her lovely child, Billo Rani, the dog.

This is the best time to drop my little bomb.

"Uh... Nikhar, I wanted to tell you that, would you mind if I go to watch the CSK vs MI match on 3rd April?"

"I don't mind at all. You're going for that guy whom you wish to protect by not telling me his name, aren't you?"

I nod. I had told Nikhar some details about my time with Rutu except his name. Some part of me believed that in doing so, I was protecting both of us. His image and my heart. My heart that refused to name whatever we had.

"Smart girl, surprising your boy by meeting him after eight days of distance. Oh my god. He's going to love it!"

Along with her, I let myself wander inside the VIP box which is reserved for the kin or closed ones of the players.

Nikhar's trip had already been planned before the IPL schedule was announced. And hence once I saw that our stay in Mumbai coincided with CSK's match, I decided to talk to Thala.

It took a lot of courage to ask him if he could arrange a VIP pass for me, but he made it easier for me by his knowing smile and constant nods. He understood it all. The hesitance, the restlessness, the yearning. After all, he'd been through it himself.

And now with Nikhar's approval, I'm even more excited. Eight days Rutu. Eight days and I'll be there. If God wills, I'll watch you play live, if not, I'll still get to see you after the match.

Match Made In Hotel | Ruturaj Gaikwad ✓Where stories live. Discover now