Chapter 5

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Harry woke to his arms full of a certain brown haired witch and thought 'I could get used to waking like this'

'You better as I plan on being here a while' came the reply from Hermione but Harry could tell there was a hint of sadness in her thoughts.

"What's the matter love? Do I snore? Steal all the covers?" said Harry trying to lift her spirits.

She held him tighter "oh heavens no Harry! Nothing like that, I'm just being silly that's all!"

"Hermione Potter being silly, now this I've got to hear! You know we can't keep secrets from each other so out with it."

Hermione buried her face into his chest to hide her blushes

"Harry I'm just being a silly little girl whose fantasy was to walk down the aisle and have the prince of her dreams waiting, with everyone who'd ever called me buck toothed, ugly bookworm, bushy haired, insufferable know it all there to watch! After reading the book last night we know that's not possible but I've have the prince of my dreams so nothing else matters!"

Harry felt her warm tears land on his chest and thought his heart would explode with the love he felt for his wife.

Kissing the top of her head he asked "How does next Saturday sound? I know Christmas would be more romantic but I have a date that nothing will make me break so Saturday works for me"

Hermione lifted her head and looked at Harry with the confusion evident in her eyes.

Harry smiled at her "Ok you want the words! Hermione Jane Potter I would be honoured if you would consent to being my Bride next Saturday at the venue of your choice."

He wasn't sure whether Hermione had grown extra limbs or cast a silent full body bind as the hug seemed to squeeze the life out of him, but as long as she kept kissing like this there was no chance of him complaining!

When they finally decided breathing wasn't optional but actually a necessity Harry held her tight and asked "so no witty banter, no 'kiss me' just straight to the point!"

Hermione was now laughing "Harry you know we're older now so why waste time talking when we could be kissing!"

"Now there's the genius I married" said Harry placing a kiss on the tip of her nose "but if I'm not mistaken we just added to an already very long to-do list so I suggest it's time to face the parents and godparent or we could stay here all day?"

Hermione gave him a gentle kiss on the lips before untangling herself and heading into the bathroom for a shower.

I hate it when she's right thought Harry "Winky" he called

She appeared instantly

"Good morning Winky, how is everyone this morning? And may I say you look splendid in your tunic"

Harry didn't know till that moment that elves could blush but Winky had a definite pink hue to her cheeks

"Morning Harry, the Grangers and Sirius had a few more brandies after you and Hermione went to bed so I have some hangover cure ready for them"

Harry laughed, "That's brilliant Winky I'm sure they'll appreciate it! Could we have breakfast for seven in about twenty minutes please?"

A Kiss Can Save The World (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن