Chapter 28

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Minerva McGonagall was frozen in position as she watched her former mentor's head bounce across the grass from Miss Potter's quite impressive throw. Minerva had felt unable to move since that horrible curse hit the young pregnant witch only five seats along from her, cast by a man she had respected, trusted and blindly followed for more years than she cared to remember. It was ironic that with one eye she was seeing things more clearly than she ever did with two. She had seen Albus smile as Miss Potter approached him and this puzzled the headmistress, surely he didn't expect any help other than the swift ending of the pain he was so obviously enduring.

There were quite a few purebloods in the crowd who, like her, were shocked into immobility but for a different reason. The sight of an elf almost casually destroying the wizard whom they considered the most powerful in the world was going to stretch the castles laundry facilities; no elf would ever be abused again. Minerva felt the wards go down which stung her back into action, Harry and Hermione had appointed her headmistress of Hogwarts and she swore never to let them down.

Molly Weasley was still sitting in the slowly emptying stands with her face buried in her husband's chest, she was crying her eyes out. When Dumbledore had fired the killing curse at Hermione, Molly wanted to be sick and this feeling only intensified as Harry fell to the ground. She couldn't believe her eyes when the elf dispatched Dumbledore so easily but that was nothing compared to the sight that followed. Ginny came striding onto the pitch, cloak billowing and her hair flowing like a pennant declaring her allegiance. She then practically pushed the leader of the goblin nation out of her way before summoning the sword of Godric Gryffindor out of thin air.

When Molly saw that smile towards her daughter, the memory blocks in her mind were blown away and she almost cheered when Ginny cut the old bastards head off. She never heard a word her daughter said as everything fell into place, Ginny knew she wasn't a Weasley and, given her choice of fathers, it was perfectly understandable to choose the person that was willing to die to save her. Having seen their relationship now it was a certainty that if Ginny knew so did Harry and Hermione, therefore it was no surprise that Harry was so protective of her. That old arsehole had actually expected 'his daughter' to help him as he lay there, the delusional fool had no idea what he was dealing with. The whole of the magical world would have been after him for murdering the Potters had Dobby not done the job first, shit she wanted to go onto the pitch and spit down the bastard's neck.

Molly decided no one would ever know, even with Harry and Hermione dead her daughter would remain Ginny Potter; she just hoped that they could be part of her life once more.

A big black dog bounded towards the castle as fast as it's four legs would take it, Padfoot couldn't explain the urgency as he had seen the curse hit Hermione and understood there could only be one outcome, but until he'd seen the bodies Sirius wasn't going to believe it. He'd spent the better part of an hour last night trying to convince Harry that he should take his place using polyjuice potion but his godson was having none of it, turns out it would have been academic anyway. Killing Hermione would automatically end Harry's life.

As Padfoot entered the castle he noticed the torches starting to dim while the dog powered it's way along the corridors, before bursting into the infirmary as Ginny collapsed onto her parents. Padfoot became Sirius as he watched expectantly while Poppy ran scans over the three bodies, her shrug of the shoulders to his unasked question left him feeling elated. They weren't dead, not exactly alive but not dead!

This was what Sirius had wished for, a glimmer of hope was all that was required, he'd gotten through twelve years of Azkaban with just the hope that one day he would see his godson. His thoughts turned to James and Lily, to Remus, we all had such high hopes, Harry's life up until he kissed the wonderful woman lying beside him was hardly a bed of roses either. Fate had dealt them all really shitty hands and they were well overdue a break, the survival of the Potters would wipe the slate clean as far as Sirius was concerned, he would gladly give his life to save them if he could.

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