Chapter 27

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It was a very nervous group of students that greeted Remus and Sirius at the entrance to the school's new sports facility, those nerves kicked up a gear when they saw what awaited them for the elimination heat later today. It was basically an assault course that traversed the pool three times in a zigzag pattern with two platforms that looked like rest points.

Sirius spoke to the assembled contestants, "the object of the task is for all three team members to complete the course in the quickest time possible, but you also have to take a barrel around the course with you and there is a hoop at each section which it must pass through. Each member of the team must control the barrel for one section and the platforms are where you pass it from one team member to another. You now have twenty minutes to familiarise yourselves with the course although no one is allowed on it until the competition starts."

They walked away a lot more confident than when the entered, this didn't seem to bad and, as Harry had promised, no dragons. Anyone who knew the marauders would have seen the gleam in their eyes and been really, really worried.

After the allotted time the students were laughing and joking as they came back over to the professors, you could almost see the wolf in Remus's smile.

"There may be one or two things we forgot to mention," said Remus, while waving his wand at the pool which now contained a couple of giant archer fish, they demonstrated how they got their name by spitting out a fierce jet of water at a piece of the course. "We would also like you to take one of these and each team member must wear a different colour," said Remus while handing out red, green and blue armbands.

When each team member was bedecked in their armband of choice, their nerves were back on high alert watching the grin on Professor Black's face. "When you entered this competition you knew it would require teamwork to win, well today we're going to find out just how good your teamwork is. Each of the armbands you are wearing represents the colour of the potion that has to be taken fifteen minutes before you start. Each potion will block one of your senses, sight, hearing or speech, with no clue to which colour does what. The first team member to hit the water ends the run and the last members position will be marked as how well your team did. If more than ten finish the course it will be the ten fastest who go through, if less than ten then the remaining places will be filled by those who got the furthest. Any questions?" Sirius asked only to be met by total silence.

Remus continued, "we want everyone back down here at twelve thirty where the draw will take place to decide which order the teams compete in."

It was a much more thoughtful group of students who made their way out heading to have a light breakfast, they were reassured now knowing that the task wasn't particularly dangerous but the potential for being made to look a fool was massive, quite a few were asking themselves 'why did I enter this?'

Harry thought Salazar Slytherin must have been turning in his grave as the sound of laughter reverberated around the founder's former chamber. The introduction by Sirius had proved to be hilarious and set the tone for the competition, even McGonagall had been laughing loudly, something you would have got long odds against.

Sirius spoke to a packed spectator gallery, "Good afternoon everyone and welcome to the new Tri-wizard tournament being held in the new Hogwarts. This competition is based on teamwork and each trio must attempt to complete the course you see here, our job was to make it a little more difficult so we based the next bit on the three wise monkeys, though we didn't have any monkeys so just had to go with the next best thing." A giant image of Hermione holding both hands over her mouth appeared on the wall, she was wearing a red t-shirt with the legend 'speak no evil' emblazed across the chest. Harry was next with his eyes covered and his green t-shirt proclaiming 'see no evil'. Ginny was mortified as her image was displayed with her fingers in her ears, the blue t-shirt declared 'hear no evil'. Everyone was laughing at the three wise Potters jibes Sirius was making; he was so in the doghouse.

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