Chapter 23

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Dudley Dursley regained consciousness and found himself lying in a pool of sweat, snot and sick, there was a fair amount of his blood in the mix as well. The disturbing thing, for Dudley that is, was that all of the fluids originated from the fat bully.

He was trying to recall how he came to be in this situation when he noticed the pink haired warrior goddess glaring down at him, bringing memories rushing back.

He was following behind her, enjoying the view, when he was made to jog around a circular tunnel. After one lap Tonks stopped to speak to him, he had no idea what she said due to concentrating on breathing, as she went to move away Dudley's hand found it's way onto her arse. Then he seemed to be hit by a tornado, how can anyone move that fast?

Tonks couldn't believe this fat slob had tried to feel her up; she just acted without thinking, which is why he was lying there with a broken nose. She almost lost her foot when kicking him in the gut; his belly seemed to envelope her up to the ankle. Harry had warned her but the fat fingers on her bum had turned her stomach, this arsehole thought she was an object, shit he was worse than a pureblood.

Tonks cast some healing and cleaning spells before transforming his clothes into a very large pair of swimming shorts. She then levitated him over the middle of the pool and dropped him on his belly from about ten feet above the water. After the tidal wave had subsided she was please to see the bright red tinge to his skin from hitting the water, what she was not pleased to see was him float on his back with his hands behind his head.

Dudley was actually enjoining this, just what he needed to cool down. That pink haired bitch had knocked him out, she must have used magic. If she thought he was going to swim up and down like a good little boy then she could go screw herself, it's time she realised she was dealing with big D.

Dudley caught movement at the edge of his peripheral vision and the sight almost loosened his bowels, a triangular grey fin was cutting through the surface of the pool. As he spluttered round onto his front he noticed there was about fourteen feet of shark attached to the grey fin, along with the wickedest set of teeth in the known universe.

Dudley was swimming for his life but every time he approached the edge of the pool, he would be faced with those terrible teeth and forced to do an about turn. After about twenty minutes he'd had enough, figuring this was just some magic trick and therefore not real, he stopped swimming. The shark made a couple of close passes without touching him before coming extremely close and whacking his fat arse with its powerful tail.

Dudley squealed like a little girl, his theory blasted to smithereens, it didn't matter whether it was real or not – it could dispense pain so he frantically resumed swimming. After a further ten minutes Tonks levitated the exhausted Dudley out the pool, while the shark vanished, Dudley just lay there as his teacher ran her wand over him. He suddenly had a revelation and swore at himself for not realising it sooner. He really couldn't blame Tonks for the way she reacted to his major breach of etiquette, he should have known better. Big D and his gang had done extensive reading on the subject and his mistake now stood out glaringly, you should always start with the tits before moving downstairs.

Tonks was wondering how this thing could ever be related to one of the nicest, kindest and most honourable people she had ever met. These were the thoughts that were running through her head when Dudley surprised her by apologising for his behaviour. She was even more surprised when he came up to her saying 'they had got off on the wrong foot' and put his arm reassuringly around her shoulders. Tonks was so surprised that she never even saw his other hand that was taking a direct route to her left breast. When said hand landed on its intended destination Tonks exploded.

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