Chapter 6

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Ok Emma you can do this! Break it down and deal with it a piece at a time

'The physical and emotional maturity is our bonds way of ensuring that we're ready for the final step'

Well they definitely have been showing maturity beyond their years since they came for us yesterday - it was only yesterday?

One glance at her daughter in that skin-tight armour showed that she had matured beyond her fifteen years and if they hadn't been going after the worst dark lord on the planet she may have had time to mention it.

Could her magic really physically age her body, hell she'd seen her almost destroy a building when she got angry so is it such a leap that her body could speed up ageing over what, months?

Right I can buy into their magic making them older and wiser, the evidence is sitting in front of me! Now for the bit she's just not ready for…

'Our magic will negate any and all methods of birth control and the soul bond will be complete when I'm pregnant!'

Shit! Pregnant Shit! Shit! Pregnant Shit! Shit! Shit! Pregnant, I'm too young to be a Grandmother!

Harry and Hermione sat waiting on the reaction, any reaction, nothing.

Then Emma Granger started giggling; she giggled and giggled before breaking out in hearty laughter.

Dan Granger was at a total loss; he didn't think anyone in the history of parenting ever faced a situation like this.

His fifteen-year-old daughter was now over seventeen thanks to her magical bond with her husband and the first time they make love she was going to be pregnant.

He really should start to write this down so he could keep up or stop staying up late with Sirius, drinking brandy and talking about their favourite teens.

Then he heard his second Granger girl giggling in the space of 24 hours and was suddenly wishing for another brandy.

Poppy Pomfrey, like the rest of the magical users had no trouble believing that anything was possible when Harry and Hermione were involved, no it was the Granger's reaction that they were quietly waiting on.

When Emma looked as if she was going into hysterics Poppy surreptitiously cast a diagnostic spell on the laughing dentist but the result came back fine.

Emma had seen Poppy cast the spell and said, "It's ok folks, and I'm fine. Just need a minute here" as she tried to regain her composure but looking at the two teens was like a cold bucket of water over her head as she realised they must be worried, waiting on her reaction.

Emma went over and sat beside the couple, pulling them into a three person hug, "I'm sorry you two, I was just thinking back to when your father and I told his mother we were having a baby, she hit the roof! After she calmed down we got the reason for her reaction, she was too young to be a grandmother. I had the same thought which started me laughing as you two definitely get the job of telling her she's a great grandmother."

The tension in the room dropped a few notches as Emma continued, "she ruined what should have been a happy moment and I swore not to do that when my turn came, though I feel I must point out that I'm younger than she was then!"

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