Chapter 25

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Excitement was building in the magical world as the Prophet printed pictures of the new Hogwarts, and no where more than a certain tropical island where a group of witches and wizards couldn't wait for tomorrow to come. Ginny, through her role in Stag Industries, knew what to expect but the girls were all excited about the muggle shops and café while the boys thought the pool looked brilliant. Having spent the last few days swimming in the sea, in the company of beautiful witches, they were all eager converts to the new facility. Angela Flint looked like she'd been mixing pepper-up potion with cheering charms, she was like a five-year-old on Christmas Eve.

Tonks had joined them for dinner last night and was staying until everyone left for Hogwarts tomorrow morning, Remus became a nervous wreck. He had stumbled and mumbled his way through the afternoon before spilling pumpkin juice all down himself at dinner when Tonks said she was looking forward to a day's sunbathing on the beach, Remus was visibly trembling and excused himself to go and change. Harry and Hermione followed, concerned for their adopted uncle, while Sirius had sussed the problem and asked his young cousin for a word.

The Potters found Remus sitting on the bed, with his head held in his hands, looking more miserable than they had ever seen him. "I'm really sorry you two but I don't think I can work at Hogwarts."

Harry conjured two chairs as they sat down facing their friend, Hermione took his hands so she could look at his face, and the pain was there for everyone to see. "Remus what's wrong? Tell us what we can do to help?" asked Hermione

Both were shocked at the self-loathing in his reply, "there's nothing anyone can do, I just need to go away."

Neither Potter was prepared to accept that answer and kept after him until they got the truth.

Harry thought about it for a minute, "Remus I may understand what your going through, I also found my life mate and I would rather die than be parted from her, you have to at least speak to Tonks, this is a 'once in a lifetime' deal that you can't walk away from without even discussing it with her."

Remus just shook his head, "what do I have to offer a woman, far less one who's younger, successful and absolutely beautiful. I can barely hold down a job because of my lycanthropy. I'm a werewolf and I've accepted that fact, happy ever after just doesn't feature in our lives."

"Remus Lupin I'm ashamed of you," Hermione's tone of voice and choice of words stung the wizard "you are one of the kindest men I have ever met, I would also have said smartest but your previous statement makes me doubt that. Do you think Harry wearing Dudley's cast off's changed the way I felt about him? We knew nothing of his inheritance when we got together, we loved each other and that was more than enough." She gestured to their surroundings, "don't get me wrong, this is very nice but without Harry it would mean nothing. We would rather live in his old cupboard together than be wealthy and live apart."

"Have you looked in your vault lately?" asked Harry, knowing Remus hadn't "as a member of the board, Stag Industries pays you a lump sum of one hundred thousand galleons per year, plus bonuses. That gold went into your vault on the first of January and you will earn it by teaching at Hogwarts, running the Tri-wizard tournament, organising the werewolf village and forming a community as well as providing our company with your experience and wisdom."

The Potters were double-teaming Remus and the poor man didn't stand a chance as they destroyed his objections one by one.

Hermione continued, "you are reasonably wealthy with great prospects, not 'paper bag on head' ugly and will probably be a member of the Wizengamot by this time next year. You, Professor Lupin, are quite a catch and would make any witch a good husband and will be a brilliant father to your children. When you look in the mirror you see a dark creature that doesn't deserve happiness, we see someone who is loyal, compassionate, hardworking and, even with all the shit life has hit him with, an immense capacity for love. You may curl up on the rug in front of the fire one night a month but that's a small price to pay to have you in our lives, in our family."

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