Chapter 20

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Harry woke to find himself in the most beautiful room he had ever seen, or even imagined. The master suite on their tropical island was on the first floor and had two walls made almost entirely of glass. This had the effect of bringing the outside world into the room.

When the outside world consisted of cloudless blue sky, waves breaking gently onto a white sandy beach with the whole scene being framed by palm trees, well it beats the hell out of the spider infested cupboard that was his home for ten years.

He glanced at the young woman lying beside him and realised that without her being here, he might as well be back in the old cupboard. She was his first thought in the morning, last thought at night, his anchor, his life, his wife.

The amount of love pouring over the bond awakened Hermione, seeing her husband staring at her with the beginnings of tears in his eyes, she pulled him down into a morning kiss.

This had happened a few times to each of them since they bonded. They shared each other's memories and had no secrets anymore but occasionally one of them would get caught up in thinking how much their lives had changed for the better, the positive emotions pouring through their body was overwhelming.

Although very different, both had very lonely childhoods and their bond completed them in a way that was beyond their wildest dreams.

They discovered the only 'cure' was to cling to each other and let the surge wash over both their bodies. This also had the 'side effect' of them needing to make love with each other until sated.


Neville Longbottom was holding his girlfriends hand, even that thought brought a smile to his face or at least it would have except for the fact that he couldn't stop grinning from last night.

Neville had walked to the Yule Ball with the most beautiful girl in the school on his arm, he had no idea what the ballroom looked like or who else was there, as soon as the music started, the rest of the evening was spent looking into those wonderful eyes as the couple glided around the dance floor.

Dan and Emma's lessons paid dividends as, not only did they know how to dance, they had learned together and knew each others moves so well it clearly showed.

They had stopped to collect some punch before going for a stroll on the grounds though appeared to acquire an entourage in the process. Redheads seemed to be round every corner but it was the sight of a big, black dog that finally got Ginny angry, threatening the animal with neutering if she saw it again, it gave a yelp / whimper before bounding away.

The twins approached and sincerely apologised to their sister for their behaviour earlier, they also congratulated Neville on a superb bit of wand work. Serious twins scared the hell out of Neville but standing with Ginny's arm around him, he could face anything.

After the dance they had portkeyed back to Longbottom Manor with gran who allowed them some kissing time before shepherding them into separate bedrooms.

Augusta Longbottom was secretly delighted in the change this young woman had brought about with her grandson.

She was 'old school' enough to see the benefits of an alliance by marriage with the house of Potter but not so set in her ways to push Neville into something he didn't want. From the signals the couple were transmitting, no pushing was going to be required.

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