Chapter 21

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Albus sat in his cell as the clock struck midnight and thought 'Happy New Year'.

He knew if he didn't get out of here soon all hope would be lost, the weasel, giraffe and walrus were all starting to behave strangely and it could only be a matter of time before someone investigated.

What he needed was one of his famous plans, shit, what he needed was a wand!

Just as he was going to sink even further into his pity party, an elf wearing a robe appeared in his cell, grabbed his arm and they were gone.

Albus found himself in a darkened room where the only light was the stunner that flew past him and hit the elf. He was in shock as he then found himself engulfed in a hug, but the familiar aroma told him everything he needed to know.

Albus would take the aroma of goats over the stink of dragon shit any day.


Harry and Hermione arrived outside Gringotts, accompanied by Dobby and Winky, with Griphook leading the way through the massive doors.

The time and temperature difference made it's presence felt immediately upon arrival, when they had left, the sun was just beginning to set but it was still warm enough for shorts and tee shirt. In London it was well after midnight and below freezing to boot.

It was an enraged Ragnok that met them in the lobby, leading the group straight to his office. After they were all seated he decided to fill them in with the information they had available.

"As best we can deduce, something portkeyed into his cell just after midnight and portkeyed out with him as a passenger." Griphook looked towards his guests, "we suspect it was a Potter elf."

Harry brought Ragnok up to speed, "we just received a report that two elves were abducted from a party. Aurors are interviewing the organisers and guests as we speak. Our suspicion is that someone has discovered the ancient curse that bound the elves in the first place. The missing elves are also a couple, allowing one to be held hostage to the other's good behaviour."

Hermione continued, "Dobby was bound to the Malfoy's but still managed to contact Harry, trying to warn him of the Basilisk plot at Hogwarts."

"I know these two elves, they will fight this with everything that they have!" declared Winky.

"What I don't understand is how they were able to portkey in?" said Dobby, "Winky and I are probably powerful enough to do it, but would pull down every ward in the bank. Harry and Hermione could literally pull down the bank, but no one else could come close."

The two goblins looked shocked, they had seen Hermione's power and knew Harry would be at least the same, but the thought of the two elves being so powerful had never occurred to them.

"Have we any idea how it was done?" asked Hermione.

"The only thing we can think of is the 'Pendant of Kahan,' while we understand this would work, its been 'lost' for almost fifty years." Answered Ragnok.

Before anyone could ask, Griphook gave an explanation, "during the building and fitting of Hogwarts manager Kahan spent a lot of time travelling between Gringotts and the school. Rowena Ravenclaw made him a pendant that would cut through any wards. The pendant allowed him to travel from his office straight into the main hall at Hogwarts."

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