Chapter 4 - An American Quiz

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We had our media day during the week. It's always fun to wear your soccer clothes, but get to look not like you just played a 90 minute game. I do love getting dressed up. It's so fun having your hair nice and makeup complete. Something Kristie and I often bonded over, during my time with the Mewis family, is our love for clothes and fashion. It is something that Sam never fully understood, and Indi too, but we had the best time talking about our new pairs of shoes or the stunning dress we saw on instagram.

"I love this," I said to Christen, as we sat on the ground, waiting for our individual photos.

"I know you do,' she laughed back.

"It's just so much fun! Getting all dressed up, but being able to wear our soccer clothes, how can you not love it?" She laughed as I said this, and so did I. Sometimes it's the small things in life that make me happy.

After everyone had their individual photos, the media coordinator came up to me, Tobin and Christen.

"So," she started to say, "we were thinking, just to introduce you guys to the fans, that you may want to do a video. We were thinking of an American quiz?" I looked at Tobin and Christen, very keen to do it. It would be so much fun, and I know that fans would probably really enjoy it. Tobin didn't look as keen.

"Come on, Tobs! It'll be fun," I said, seeing her disapproving look.

"Fine," she replied, "but only because you want to, Brads." I smiled at her, and we went over to the camera.

"Ok," the videographer said, "just say your name, and Bradie introduce what we're going to do."

"Hi, I'm Christen Press."

"I'm Tobin Heath."

"And I'm Bradie Van Dyk, and welcome to our American quiz."

"I think I'm going to win," I said confidently, laughing slightly, knowing it probably wasn't true.

"I don't know," Tobin answered, "Press knows her stuff."

I picked up a question card.

"Who was the 44th president?" We all scribbled a name down on the whiteboard, and turned it around.


"Go us!" I said, rubbing the board out.

"Pretty easy start though," Tobin replied, "even I got it."

Christen went next, and picked up a card.

"How many states are in the region of New England?"

"Jeez, not a geography question," Tobin said, trying to rack her brain.

"And this is unfair! We have a Masshole here, who grew up in New England!" Christen retorted, referencing me.

"Guess you guys are going to find this one hard." In my head, I counted the states. Maine. New Hampshire. Massachusetts. Vermont. Rhode Island. Connecticut. Six.

I wrote on my board:


But both Christen and Tobin wrote:


"Where did you guys get the extra state from?" I asked, confused and laughing at the same time.

"Why did I think New York was in New England?" Christen answered.

"You guys!"

Tobin asked the next question.

"Who has the most caps for the USWNT?" We all knew the answer. It was fairly easy.

Kristine Lilly

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