Chapter 45 - Celebrations

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Jackie had amazing celebrations alongside her Dutch teammates for wining the Euros. It was an incredible feat and I was so proud of her for everything she had accomplished with the team.

I travelled back up to Manchester the next morning, to unpack my bags from camp, as I still hadn't been to my apartment since the end of the season, to then only repack them again to travel to Boston. I was given another week off, from preseason, for family reasons, to then start with the girls the following week. Most of the United girls were having that week off, to recover from their various national team tournaments.

As I was in my room, packing my bag, my phone kept buzzing. People were so curious about the hug that Jackie and I had after her final.

Wosolover: ok that hug was the most sensual thing i have seen! They are definitely together. Jackie and bradie. Brackie? Or Jadie? I like Brackie... sounds cooler

Preathxjindi: okay lets not get over excited, im still scared that they are just really close friends. I mean, what about sonnett?

Wosolover: @preathxjindi i mean, sonnett and BVD haven't been seen together in months and i wouldnt be surprised if they have split especially after BVD's drama about being Willow Meyer and stuff.

I couldn't read any more of it. It was all speculation, but somehow they weren't wrong. It wasn't just speculation, it was true. Me and Jackie, we are a thing. But, not defined enough to show it properly on live television at least. Not yet.

As I was about to head to the airport, my phone started to ring. It was Jackie.

"Hey," she said, as I picked up the phone.

"Hi. How are you feeling? Had a big night?" I asked her. She laughed slightly.

"A little hung over, but I'm okay. What are your plans?" She asked me.

"I'm going to Boston for the week."


"To see my family."

"Oh. Okay." I could sense a slight bit of disappointment in her voice.

"Jack, I'm going to be back in Manchester when you will be. Don't worry." I would have normally asked her if she would've wanted to join me in Boston, but I felt as if it was something I was going to need to do alone. Sam wanted to talk, I hadn't seen my Aunt and Uncle in what felt like years, and it was all going to be a lot.

"You promise you'll be there next Monday?"

"I promise."

"Okay, I trust you." Having her say those words, even if they were being used in a less serious way, meant a lot to me. Having her trust me was something I loved.

"I'll see you in a week and a half, okay?"


"Bye," I said.

"Bye, Brads."

I got on a plane out of Manchester and headed to Boston. Sam was currently injured, and was staying in her house in Boston with Pat and Finn. But when I arrived in my hometown, I went to where I normally go, when I first arrive home.

Genevieve Kate McKnight / Levi Van Dyk

03/09/1976 - 12/12/2004 . 17/04/1974 - 12/12/2004

"The mystery of love is greater than any mystery of life."

Now that the world knows who they really are, something inside of me wanted to change this. Wanted to get their undercover names off their tombs and put their real names: Grace and Noah Meyer.

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