Chapter 24 - Lyon

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"So, where are you off to?" I asked Kristie, as I sat on Sam's bed in their room in Tokyo. We were about to all head off, in different directions, after the completion of the Olympics. I was going back to Europe, with Emily, and Sam was heading back to Boston, to see Pat.

"Miami," Kristie said, chuckling, "then Newport, to stay at Steph's beach house, then Portland, cause I've got to play in this game for the Dash."

"Wow," Sam said, laughing, "you and Sam really are going on an adventure."

"I think we deserve it after the literal months of being apart," Kristie replied.

"Don't let Lynny hear you say that," I replied.

"Touche," Kristie answered.

Kristie left Tokyo, alongside Sam, and went on their first proper adventure together, while Emily and I packed up our bags and headed back to Manchester. The plan was to stash all our things in Manchester, in my apartment, before going to Lyon. I had planned in my head to go to Lyon. To see where my parents died, and try to piece together the childhood that I tried so hard to forget.

"Why are we going to Lyon exactly?" Emily asked, as we sat on the plane to Manchester.

"It's a long story," I replied.

"We have a long flight," Emily then said.

"That we do, but we also have an entire future," I answered, "and not everything has to be said now."

When we arrived in Manchester, we were there for all of a day. We ate, slept, packed my clothes away while leaving Emily's in her suitcase, and then left. It was a short visit to my apartment, but we knew there was going to be a lot to do in Lyon, and there was no time to waste.

"Have you got everything?" I asked Emily, as we were closing the apartment door.

"Yep," she replied, locking it behind me.

"You sure?" I asked her again.

"Yeah," she said, kissing me softly, "I'm sure." I smiled, leaning into her body and wrapping my arms around her. She made me feel safe, and secure. Something that I wanted to feel for the longest time.

We went to the airport, and grabbed a flight to Lyon. It was a short time in the air, but when we arrived two things popped into my brain: the World Cup final in 2019 and my parents death.

"Doesn't this just remind you of victory?" Emily asked me, smiling as we stepped out into the warm Lyon summer.

"Yeah," I said, less surely, "I guess it does."

We soon settled into our room, packing some clothes away and getting comfortable with our surroundings. While Emily lay on the bed, trying to catch up on a little sleep, I went onto the balcony. The entirety of Lyon lay before my eyes, and something in the wind reminded me of times I tried to forget. My hair was going crazy, as if the environment knew I was here and knew why. As if it was trying to tell me to go home, and not find out what I couldn't remember. Maybe this was a bad idea? Maybe I should just be content with what I already know? As I looked down at the ground below me, I couldn't help but imagine what it would feel like to fall off. To be free of the worries that infiltrate my brain and fill me with worry. But then I remember why I am still here. I am here for my parents and for the idea that they sacrificed themselves for me. They put themselves in harm so that I could live a safer life. Maybe this was all worth it? Maybe I was here to finally find out why my parents were killed. Finally find out why I've had to live in secret, and why I haven't been killed yet.

"Brads!" Emily called out, as she saw me on the balcony, "are you okay?" I turned around to see her walking towards me.

"I'm okay," I replied, "just thinking."

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