Chapter 47 - Back in Camp

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I went down to London to fly back to the States' along with Kristie, as we were the only two players in England. She had been enjoying her first few games at Arsenal, and I knew she was excited to be in the same league as Sam, and in the same team as Indi.

As our flight landed in Colorado, where we were playing our first game, I saw Kristie looking at her phone, nervously.

"Everything alright?" I asked her.

"No," she replied. She played me the voice mail. It was from Indi.

"Kris, I know you are at camp or asleep or something, I'm not sure, but I am about to get on a flight to Sydney. My Dad just passed away. I'll probably be on the flight when you hear this. Just thought I'd let you know. Love you." Kristie and I both listened to the voicemail again.

"Shit," I said to Kristie.

"Definitely shit," she replied, "she hadn't seen her family since the World Cup."

"Shit," I repeated.

Kristie and I both tried to put Indi's Dad's death to the back of our minds, but for me, it was difficult. Knowing that Indi lost her father, only reminded me that I had lost mine. I know what it feels like to be without a parent (both parents in fact).

Our two games against Canada went well, with us going two from two in both matches. Canada, although Olympic Champions, had been slipping since their run at the Olympics. The first match was 1-0, with Sophia scoring our only goal in Denver.

Our second game, in Salt Lake City, had a final score of 1-2. I had a brace, and Jessie Fleming got a consolation goal.

After our two weeks of international break, Kristie and I headed back to England.

"Have you talked to Indi?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I have," Kristie replied, "but I'm not sure how she is really going. She said she was fine and that she is not broken but I'm not sure. I'll see her when I get back."

"Well, I'll see you guys this weekend too. We're playing West Ham so I'll be down too."

When I arrived back in Manchester, after flying up from London, Jackie met me at the airport.

"Hey," she said, hugging me as I got off the plane.

"Hi," I replied, snuggling into her. She kissed my forehead softly, and I smiled as she grabbed my bag.

As we got in the car, she noticed that I seemed down.

"Are you alright?" She asked. I looked away, trying not to show her how I was feeling.

"Not really. Indi's dad died last week."

"Indi? As in your friend?" Jackie asked, and I nodded.

"Yeah, it just reminded me of what I've lost I guess." She grabbed my hand, knowing what I meant. Knowing that I was talking about my dad and my mum.

"Be that person for Indi. The person who understands. The person who empathises. That will help more than you know."

After a few days of training in Manchester, we travelled down to London to play against West Ham.

On the bus, I felt the negative energy radiating off of Millie, and although I wanted to ask her, I knew it was probably too soon. So I went to Ella instead.

"Toones," I said to her, sitting across from Tooney and Less on the bus, "what's up with Millie?" They looked at each other, before leaning in.

"Millie and Rachel broke up," Less said, quietly.

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