Chapter 11 - Boston

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Sam and I flew out of Manchester a few days after the last game of the 2020 year. We were able to get back into America because we are US citizens, although Indi couldn't. She was stuck in London, without her family and without us.

"I'm sorry you can't come," I said to Indi, as we facetimed her from the airport.

"That's alright," she replied, "I think I'm having Christmas with some of the other girls that are also stuck in London."

"Sam?" I asked.

"Yeah, Sam, Caitlin, Lia, Jill and Ettie," Indi answered.

"That sounds great," Sam replied, sitting beside me.

"We'll call you when we land, okay?" I said.

"Sounds like a plan. Have fun without me," Indi said, sarcastically.

"Like that could ever happen!" Sam answered.

When we arrived in Boston, Sam's first mission was to see Pat and Finn. I was set to stay in their house, with Kristie as well. We were all going to bunk in together, and then go spend Christmas day with Bob and Melissa.

We walked through the front door to be greeted by Finn.

"Finn!" Sam screamed, picking up the adorable small puppy.

"How has he grown so much since we last saw him?" I asked, scratching Finn's neck while Sam held him in her arms.

"He's growing too fast!" Sam complained.

Pat cooked us dinner that night, and Kristie ended up arriving quite late. When she walked through the door, both Sam and I were ecstatic to see her. It had been a few months since we were all together, and it felt weird not having Indi with us. It was as if our core group was missing its fourth member.

"If only Inds was American," I complained, as we sat on the couch watching netflix.

"If Inds was American, then our defence would be unstoppable," Sam added.

"Imagine!" Kristie agreed.

"This will be our first Christmas in ages with Indi, it just feels weird," I said.

"It really does," Kristie replied, "I just want to go see her."

"You'll get over there soon, right?" I asked.

"Well, I'm really hoping to get to London to possibly see Sam, but I'm not sure when."

"After January camp, possibly?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, that's the plan."

It was soon Christmas, and Kristie, Sam, Pat and I headed to the Mewis'.

"Bradie!" Melissa said to me, as we arrived at the house, "we've missed you!"

"Missed you both too. How have you been?" I continued chatting with Melissa, while Kristie and Sam talked to their dad.

"Now, where is Miss Indi Harrison?" Bob asked us, as we sat around the dinner table.

"London," Kristie replied.

"Got a better deal?" Bob joked.

"She's not American, Dad," Kristie answered, "she can't even get into the country right now."

"I was only joking, Kristen." We knew Kristie was annoyed to not have her best friend with her. She hadn't seen Indi in several months now, and they have never been this far apart for so long.

Christmas was amazing. It was everything that I remembered it to be. It was a family, a family that I never really had the memory to experience. The Mewis' always had their doors open to me, welcoming me in, no questions as to why I hadn't been spending it with my own, minimal family.

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