Chapter 15 - Podcasting

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After our mid week training, I went home to finally film the podcast episode with Kelley. We had been planning it for a few weeks now, and today was the day that our schedules finally aligned. I sat down, with my headphones on, and got a call from Kelley.

"So, for this week's special guest we have USWNT and Manchester United Star striker, Bradie Van Dyk!"

"Nice intro, Kells."

"Well, I thought you deserved only the best. So, Brads, welcome to the show."

"Thanks for having me."

"I've been wanting to get you on for a while, because you have some of the most interesting experiences and I think there's a lot that people will be able to take from your story and path to success. So, Bradie, you're 24, and were born in Boston?"

"Yeah, so I was born in Boston, but I moved over to Europe when I was really young."

"Where'd you live?"

"So, we lived all over really. We lived in Andorra, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, France, Germany, Italy and Holland."

"Woah, that's a lot of places."

"Yeah, it was. We didn't stay anywhere longer than a year, and my last year in Europe was spent in Holland."

"What place was your favourite? If you can pick just one."

"Probably Holland. It's the place I remember the most and it brings back a lot of really good memories."

"So, what brought you back to the states?" Kelley asked.

"Well, my parents passed away when I was eight, and so I came back to live with my Aunt and Uncle in Boston."

"A lot of people probably don't know that about you," Kelley started to say, "what was it like dealing with grief at such a young age?" When Kelley asked me this, I remember the feelings of not only grief but also lack of identity. What it felt like for my life to be completely changed, and my name alongside it.

"At the time, I don't think I fully comprehended what it even meant. I didn't understand that I would be without my parents' guidance for the rest of my life. As an eight year old, you don't understand the gravity of what you have just experienced."

"How did soccer fit into all this?"

"Well, when I came back, my aunt and uncle knew how much football meant to me and my parents, and they made sure I kept pursuing it."

"Would you say you play for your parents?"

"Definitely. Everything I do now, I do to make them proud of their little girl. When you have angels watching over you, it is hard not to try and make them proud."

"So, let's talk a little bit about your rise to fame," Kelley said, as we moved along in the podcast.

"Fame?" I questioned.

"You're a very high profile athlete, Brads, so I do in fact feel comfortable using the word fame." I laughed at this, while she continued speaking. "You were drafted number 1 in 2017, and moved to Portland. What was that like?"

"It was pretty awesome," I started to say, "Portland was as far away from Boston was one could get, but I think I needed that. I needed to find who I was without the constraints of the past on me. Just had to go and be the new version of myself."

"Your Portland team was incredible. You won many championships, and were always the favourites."

"Yeah, we had a solid team. Everyone was amazing in their respective positions, and we meshed. It was awesome being in that team environment surrounded by such amazing players and people."

"So, what made you take the leap to move over to the UK?" Kelley asked.

"Well, I always wanted a challenge. I loved being in the US, but the UK is a whole different ball park. It's a different style and it's overall, a completely different league. I wanted to test myself, and see if I could fit within something that I wasn't comfortable with."

"What's it like?"

"It's really great. It's a challenge, I won't deny it, but it's also incredible. So many amazing players and people, and I love being able to fight for many different trophies and it feels as if I am playing football every day."

"So, I've checked your statistics, since arriving at United, and you are on fire, Brads. You have over 18 goals, in all competitions, and have 5 assists. That is phenomenal."

"Stop," I laughed, blushing slightly.

"Miss Bradie, you are a machine."


"Ok, ok, I'll stop," she said, knowing I hate compliments, "do you then, instead, want to explain your unstoppable connection with your United team mate then? You and Groenen have combined for over 10 goals this season, if I am not mistaken, and no defensive line up can shut you guys down."

"I'm pretty sure it's 11 goals," I said, cheekily. Kelley laughed, while I continued. "Jackie is just such a great player. She knows where she wants the ball and the best possible way to get it to the post, and whenever I play with her, I know she always has something up her sleeve. Once you understand her and how she plays, it's as if you have known her forever." It's as if I have known her forever...

"You going to give away any of your secrets on how to possibly shut you two down?" Kelley asked, smiling.

"Like that'll happen!"

"So, let's get into the fun stuff now!" Kelley said, a smile printing on her face.

"What does the fun stuff entail?"

"How has Sonnett handled you being in the UK?" Kelley asked, laughing. I smiled as she said this, thinking of Emily back in the US.

"She's good," I replied, still smiling, "obviously long distance is hard, and not something either of us wanted to do, but sometimes life throws the hard decisions and it only reaffirms the strength that is in a relationship."

"Woah, Brads, you are always so profound."

"You ask, and I answer," I laughed.

"Now, this is something most viewers want to know," Kelley then said, as we came towards the end of the podcast, "have you, Sam and Rose figured out how to use the washing machines yet?" I laughed as Kelley said this, and shook my head.

"Embarrassingly, we have not. There have been many incidents of water leaking and Sam's apartment floor has been covered in water suds not once but twice. If anyone in the UK wants to DM me, Sam or Rose, and help us out, please do so."

"Well, thank you Bradie for being on this episode of the Just Women's Sports podcast. We loved chatting with you, and good luck for the rest of your season."

"Thanks Kells. I'll see you at She Believes!"

Justwomenssports: score like a van dyk?

Bradie Van Dyk joins Kelley O'Hara on this edition of the Just Women's Sports podcast. Bradie explains how she became one of the USWNT's best ever strikers, and how the impact of grief at a young age pushed her to become her best self.

We had one more game left before the February international break, where the USWNT was set to host She Believes. Brazil, Canada, and Argentina were going to play in the tournament, and it was going to be an exciting fight. Both Sam and Kristie were on the roster, and I was too. We were all excited to get back together, and play for our national team. Emily was also on the roster, and I was so glad that I could hopefully see my girl again and get back into our old ways.

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