Chapter 6 - Groenen

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"I really like her," Kristie said, over facetime as Sam and I were chilling in Sam's living room in Manchester. I had returned from London the day before, and had the day off. Sam was playing her match at home, so I thought I'd go along and watch Sam and Rose play.

"That's amazing," Sam said, as we were talking about Kristie's new person.

"She's just so funny, and whitty, and makes me forget."

"She's also one hell of a soccer player," I said.

"Sam Kerr, the goat," Sam Mewis added.

"She's one of the best," I added again.

"But she's more than that," Kristie replied, "she's so much more than the player." I didn't know Kerr personally, nor had I ever properly met her, but I liked that Kristie looked past the player she was. I liked that she saw her as more than just a star, but rather a person.

Sam soon left to get to her game, and as I chilled in my apartment, knowing I didn't have to leave for a little while longer, I decided to call Emily.

"Hey," I said, over facetime.

"Hi, you always ring so early!" Emily answered. I checked my phone and realised it was only 7am for her.

"Jesus, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I like when you ring," she replied, smiling, still in bed.

"I've just missed you," I said, "we haven't spoken in a while."

"I know," she replied, "it's just been crazy busy over here. The Fall Series was hectic."

"I can imagine."

"First goal? Very impressive," she said to me, "and the assist by Groenen? Guess you guys are creating a solid connection."

"I'm not sure, maybe on the field, yeah, but off it, not so much."

"Bradie," Emily said, sighing.

"It's just annoying. I hate to sound so awful but this hasn't ever happened to me before. I don't like when people hate me."

"I'm sure she doesn't hate you!"

"Emily! Stop. I know what I know."

"Okay, okay," Emily said, not wanting tension between us to rise. "Just keep going about and being the amazing and adorable you, and I'm sure it'll all work out." She tried to be optimistic, but I wasn't too sure. I knew I had to work out why Groenen didn't like me. I knew I had to do some digging. But I wasn't even too sure where to start.

I headed off to Sam's game, and as I arrived at the stadium, I was one of few spectators. Sam waved to me in the stands when she saw me, and I was excited to watch her shine.

As I sat in the stands, I was seated behind the Manchester bench. When their coach stood up, I saw him. I saw him. Trent Dyson.

Six Years Earlier

"Bradie," my college coach said, after we had our training session, "come see me in my office please. I looked at my teammates, confused, not knowing why my coach wanted to speak to me. I walked into his office, and as I sat down, he closed the door behind him.

"Hi Bradie," Dyson said, sitting at his desk.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Bradie, you're a great asset to this team. You know that, I know that." As he said this, he stood up from his seat, and came around, and sat on his desk, only a few inches away from me. He leant forward, and placed a hand on my leg, squeezing it slightly. "I just want to make sure you are playing your best, and getting the game time you deserve."

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