Chapter 52 - Ettie Walsh

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January camp was soon over, and I headed back over to England, once again. United had one game while I was away, a league match against Everton which they won (3-0) with Less scoring two and Ella scoring the other.

The next month was hectic, with games coming like there was no tomorrow. During that time, City and Chelsea played for the Cup final, something that we missed out on as City beat us in the semi final. It was upsetting that we weren't able to make that final, but we knew that there was still the league to focus on. I always tell myself that there is no point focusing on the bad, and the misfortunes, but rather it is more important to look towards the future.

But then I am reminded of the future I am to look forward to, and a present that I still have to figure out.

Throughout the month after January camp, I was conflicted. My heart was settled with Jackie, but was it truly still with Emily. Did I give up on us too soon? Was I too rash? Did I make the wrong choice when I decided to end it with her?

I guess I will never know. I guess not for now, at least.

When Kristie's birthday rolled around, Sam headed over to London, and I travelled down to meet her. We convened at Kristie's apartment, excited to see each other but both knowing what was about to happen. We had a coffee shop we had to get to.

"Hey," I said to Sam, as I walked into Kristie's apartment. I had a few days leave from United, for 'personal reasons.' Management was okay with it, knowing that a few days wouldn't hurt.

"Hi," she replied, "you okay?" I nodded my head, as I headed in. Kristie and Sam were both at training, and so we were alone in their apartment.

"It feels weird being in their apartment without them here," I said, laughing slightly to Sam.

"Not for me. I have my own key."

"Of course you do."

"I made her make me one, just in case."

"I texted her," Sam said, "yesterday. We are meeting for coffee in a few hours."

"Does she know I am coming?"

"No, she does not."


"It's not a big deal. It's not like you guys have tension or anything." That was true. I had never really talked to Ettie before, but neither had Sam. This could be and will be strange.

We headed out the apartment, and went to the coffee place that Sam said we were to meet. I was nervous. A pit in my stomach grew so deep that I felt physically ill. I didn't know what would happen. Neither Sam nor I even knew if what we had suspected was even true. Did Ettie have the same or similar experiences with us?

I just had to remember why I was doing this. I could not have Trent be my new coach. I could not have Marc leave. I needed him. He was good to me.

"I think we arrived first," Sam said, as we sat down at the table.

"I'm scared I won't recognise her without a Chelsea shirt on."

"She looks like Keira, except with brown hair and different eyes."

"Well, no shit, they are twins."

I sat with my back to the door, scared that if I eyed the door it would freak me out even more.

"She's here," Sam said, whispering it slightly. I turned around, and I saw her. Juliette Walsh. I was right though: she did look different without the football kit.

Sam got up and gave Ettie a hug, but I stayed seated, not really knowing what to do.

"Hey Ettie," Sam said, "how have you been?"

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