29 // sidewalk snark

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I skip down the school steps after the final bell rings, my heart deliciously light at the thought of my homeworkless weekend. My backpack thumps between my shoulder blades but I couldn't care less.

I take a short cut past the university's science building, just as a group of well-groomed guys exit the heavy doors. Their laughter and deep voices follow me to the crosswalk.

"Hey, Kat?" One of them says, and I turn, quizically. Cam, wearing a black cashmere sweater and holey skinny jeans, detaches himself from the group with a vague wave to them, and lopes closer. "Did you just finish school?"

I nod with a closed mouth grin. I feel foolishly happy that he's here.

"So, how are you?" He pushes the button on the light post, something I always forget to do, and the pixels across the street show an animated green man walking.

"Great. I don't have any homework so I'm free to lie on the couch and watch movies all weekend."

"That's awesome," he grins, a nice true grin. He seems to want to keep walking with me, so I start and he falls into step at my left. A cerulean Nike backpack is slung over one of his shoulders, and he holds one of the hanging straps to keep it there. "Good day?"

"Yeah. It was good." Pause. "A guy named Holden asked me out."

He frowns, his eyebrows actually moving, pulling together like it troubles them personally. "Don't accept."

"Why not? He seems nice."

"He sounds like a J. D. Salinger character. Let me guess, his dream occupation is catching children who fall into a rye field?"

"Cambriel De Luca," I chide. He blinks at me. "Whyever do you care?"

"I care about you."

"Oh, really?"

"Of course, you're my friend." He sounds a little wounded, so I shove him affectionately with my should. Instead of leaning with me, he lets his arm fall around them, pulling me into his side as we walk. Our backpacks collide for a moment before swinging back into place.

"I appreciate it."

"You know... if you really want to go out so bad, I'll take you." Long pause. "What?"

"I don't think I'm your kind of girl, Cam."

"I... what, no! I wouldn't... no, no, no, I'd never do any of... that. I just meant... I don't know. Dinner. A movie or something. Nothing else, no. Only if... no. Forget it."

"Dinner and a movie?"

"That's what I meant, yeah."

"I'll think about it."


"Hey, Cam? How is it that I should trust you of all people, as opposed to other boys my age?"

"Well... I don't know. Have a little faith."
In the media is one of my favourite people. Follow her right now RIOGHT NAW.

Hey *one of kai's winky faces*

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