94 // kinda

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second last chapter (aghshsjks!!!) make your last stand comments now please (:(:

this is beautiful. it's possibly their most beautiful scene. like...love.

I lie on my back beside Cam feeling as natural as if I were along in my own bed. He's on his side, propped lazily on an elbow, letting me choose a movie to watch on his iPad.

"I don't care," he says for the umpteenth time. He keeps touching my hair, just then ends really, and it's distracting in a lightly ticklish way.

"Well I don't know what to watch." I say for the umpteenth time. He just laughs, an exhalation into the quiet, and persists playing with my hair.

I settle on a movie about an Indian girl working in a call centre who falls in love with the guy on the other end of the line. I hold the tablet up near my hip, watching with sleepy eyes.

It's nine o'clock but my mother is out with friends, and I don't have anything to go home to. And, I mean, there's Cam...

Ten minutes into the movie, my arm falls asleep and he drops his head, turning it into my hair. His other hand slides innocently around my waist and rests there. I so feel perfectly safe lying with him, the thought just brings a rush of affection into my chest.

I drop the iPad onto the bed after pausing the movie. He mmms against my neck. I close my eyes.

I like the way he's slightly above me; balanced on his side. The way he leans just a bit into my side so his warmth seeps through my t-shirt. The room is dark and close and pleasantly cool. The window is open, the curtains flapping.

"Sleepy?" I ask, and he curls his arm around me a little closer.

"Mmhmm. You should stay."


"Mmm... you're warm."

I breathe a laugh, and I feel his smile against my skin. He can't be as sleepy as he sounds. Regardless, I roll into him (instead of away, because spooning is overrated) tucking my face into the crook of his neck. He curls his arm around me, and sighs contentedly.

"Hey, Kat?" He murmurs.

"What?" He smells natural and clean, all shampoo and soap and sleepiness. His hair is still damp from a shower and a lock brushes my face.

"What are you doing next year?"

"High school. Finishing. Food." I reply, smiling when he laughs softly. I like that laugh, he only does it when we're like this; close enough so sounds aren't necessary.

"The year after that."

"College. Scholarships. Dorms. What about you?"

"Senior year. Think you'll go to Dal?"


"If you do... you could move in with me. Then."

"Are you asking me to move in with you a year in advance?"

"Just putting it out there."

"I don't want to live with Matty."

"Neither do I. You, on the other hand..."

"Why me?"

"Because I love you."

I press my lips together, and he rolls back a little bit. He leaves a hand on my hip, and gazes down at me with his lip trapped between his teeth. I stare back at him.


"Yeah." He watches me until my lips curve upward. Then he smiles like he already knows. "Do you love me?"

I make a hmm noise, even though I know. I've known. He's beautiful. Kind. Funny. Smart. And he loves me, too.

"Kinda." I tell him with a teasing smile. He laughs, and arches an eyebrow.

"Kinda?" Then his fingers are dancing up and down my sides and he's tickling me and I'm drowning in laughter and kisses and happiness.

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