70 // textual

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I could look at Francisco Lachowski pictures all day.

Second Angel Clare; Omg Gabriel refuses to clean up agh younger siblings
Second Angel Clare; if he complains about being hungover again I'm stabbing him with a spork.

Me; awwwwww poor cam :((

Second Angel Clare; i do not have a double chin miss Katherine

Me; that sounds like a kindergarten teacher. Ew

Second Angel Clare; you still haven't told me what my name was

Me; you won't like it

Second Angel Clare; it's a joke about my name, right?

Me; an intelligent one *screen shot*

Second Angel Clare; angel was an ass. I'm kind of insulted

Me; he was my favourite character

Second Angel Clare; granted compared to Alec the douchenozzle he was an angel (see that I did there?) but
Second Angel Clare; he walked out on his girl after she was raped. RUDE

Me; why you gotta be so ruuuuuuudeee

Second Angel Clare; change it pls

Me; to what exactly?

Creepy College Kid; supercoolbossman

Me; it's done

Brielie; I'm happy :D

Me; icic

Brielie; so I'm coming home on Wednesday, we should hang

Me; hang...

Brielie; as in, watch a movie and compliment my boss smoothie-making-skillz

Me; you just used a Z

Brielie; i did

Me; oh my gosh i can't believe we're friends (face.palm)

Brielie; whatz up wit u gurl?

Me; stahp

Brielie; my textin is ace bruh man bruh 👏✌⭐😏☎🏀🙌🐗

Me; (stupid emojis)

Brielie; why don't you use emojis? They're the light of my lyfe

Me; *life. Because they're silly

Brielie; you're silly. So am i. We're all in silly world!!

Me; just wondering... Are you drunk?

Brielie; no but I'm surrounded by wine

Me; explain?

Brielie; when he had the party i had to hide the actual (expensive) liquor in my room. People are untrustable

Me; fashionable people do questionable things...

Brielie; what song is that from?

Me; i don't remember

Brielie; hold on a sec I'm googling it.
Can we have a vote on who we like? Camther or Kathlex. Just curious...

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