50 // intoxicating

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In the clockwork prince when Jem as Tessa kiss and they fall into the bed like??????? And she makes out that will's kisses are the height of impropriety well well well. I forgot about this part.
And they go FAR for Victorian England.
He touched her bare legs beneath her nightdress!!!!?!?!
But then the yin fen falls and the party's over.
((I still ship wessa forever and always))
Klose perches atop a magazine on Cam's coffee table and watches me contemplatively with his squashed ears and upturned nose. His eyes are an odd green, more gold than the former and extremely unnerving. I'm waiting on the couch while his owner makes himself a grilled cheese sandwich.

"What are you looking at?" I ask him peevishly. He blinked lingeringly, which I'm sure means I'll look as long as I like..

"Sure you don't want anything?" Cam calls from behind the island. The smell of butter and melted cheese is tempting, but I mutely shake my head. I can't stop remembering what happened last time I was in here; well, out on the balcony, that is.

I can't stop remembering how much I liked it then; the soft, slow touch of his lips against my cheek. His murmur of voice saying thank you, for what, exactly, I don't know. Even his intoxicating smell, cologne and a touch of alcohol.

He strolls into the living room obliviously, carrying a pink plastic plate beneath his sandwich, and a tall glass of orange juice (the colour).

"Is that orange juice?" I ask, and he sniffs it suspiciously.

"It's called Tang. It's what the astronauts drink, and it tastes like orange battery acid." He falls into the couch intentionally, balancing the glass and plate with ease. He's suddenly very close. "So, want to watch something?"

I shrug like a weirdo, staring at my lap; thank you. For what? Everything.

"Are you okay?" He's leaning closer now, one hand bearing his weight is placed near my hip.

"Fine, um, sorry." I shake my head and look up with (what's probably a) pained smile.

"Don't apologize, Kather. So what do you want to do? I have Life, and HBO." He smirks at the last option, leaning into the corner of the couch. His knee knocks mine, and I roll my eyes to stop myself from blushing.

"I'm not watching Game of Thrones with you."

"Why not?"



"Lets play Life."

"Okay, but dibs on being a lesbian doctor with the Tudor house."

"As long as I have the yellow car."

Know what's the funniest sport besides water polo?
(Table tennis or)
Like the guys i know wear Spider-Man headbands and coloured arm sweatband things with knee socks (along with a soccer jersey).
Yes. It's funny. We (my best friend and i obv) spent lunch time watching regionals it made me feel much happier after two hours of chem and calculus.

But most importantly: what do you think??
People have been complimenting my authors notes which are basically just my thought trains as i write written down so haha THANKSSSS that's flattering (:

Aerie cancelled the bikini top on my ordered apparently they ran out which SUCKS now i have to pick a new one and it was super cute okay.

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