40 // intro to pre-adult life

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I walk shoulder to arm with Cam across the sprawling front yard and past lolling students and cuddling couples. His gait is confident, swagger in the hips with long steps and minimal arm swinging. I hurry to keep up.

"You know, university is like middle ground. You're an 'adult' but you haven't got a mortgage yet or anything and you can still you laundry at your parent's house. I wish I was here."

"Huh, it is." He smiles, thoughtfully, as we walk past the first monstrous brick structure.

"So, over there are the Arts buildings; English, Philosophy, that's sort of thing. History's over there. And here is Mathematic Sciences." We walk right in, like we belong there (though he does belong there), and on an ornate bench near the door is his jacket. Black and waterproof. He plucks it up and swings it over his shoulder like a guy who wears aviators indoors after twelve.

"What classes are you taking this semester?" I ask him, and he sucks his cheek.

"Calculus, Intro to Fiction Writing, African Religion, Muggle studies, Human Sexuality, and Biology."

"Muggle studies? Are you serious?"

"I don't remember the actual name but basically we study Harry Potter."



"That's insane."

"No, it's easy."

"Why do you take a sexuality course?"

"Well... maybe I'll decide to become a Sexologist in three years."

"Isn't that like a sex therapist?"

"Yes, it is."

"You're joking."

"At the moment."

"I thought so."

"Cambriel De Luca, didn't know you did girls so young, man. Think you'd set the bar somewhere." A tall guy strides toward us across the lawn with a bright too-perfect smile and cropped black hair. Cam arches an eyebrow.

"Kent, really. This is my little sister, you disrespectful child." He replies with just a hint of a smile. I stare up at him; all eyes are on Cambriel standing cockily with the jacket still slung over his shoulder.

"Dude, oh.. I'm uh..."

"Don't assume things, it's bad for your teeth. Kather, my friend, this is Kent, not my friend."

"Hi, uh, Katherine. Sorry about... uh... anyway, me and Cam are friends. We go way back." He jokes, adjusting his bag. Cam arches an imperial eyebrow. "Call me, man."

He walks away, and I any help but yell at his back, "and I'm seventeen!"

Cam laughs, and starts walking again. His good humour recovered.

"So, how do you know that guy?"

"He's in three of my classes and likes me, or something. He's an ass."

"I noticed."

"Well, he either likes me or he's just jealous of the girls I get. I might be able to respect him more if he was the first. Can't stand jealousy."

"You're never jealous?"

"Do I have a reason to be?"

*ahem*no you don't*ahem*

does anyone hate Kat? i hope not

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