interlude \\ 67

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^^LOOK AT WILL and Tess and James ! (if you haven't already figured it out i am a hugee tid fangirl (even more than tmi i swear).

@arabellamonroe hey girl hey :)

I have a pre cal test in ten minutes and i suck at reciprocal functions. this will be lovely.

"So, who's going to this party?" My mother inquires from the couch. She just got off work early and is already sporting yoga pants and a messy bun. She mutes Chocolate (her all-time favourite movie) and twists around to where I lean against the island.

"Um, people from school."

"I thought you were above them," she says suspiciously. I may have said that for the last few weeks.

"I met someone."

She arches a dark eyebrow. Her mascara is smudged a bit beneath her eyelashes but she still looks gorgeous. She's prettier than me on most days. "That Cam boy? I thought he was in college... wait, this isn't a college party... is it?"

"No, no. Um, his younger brother is holding it and I'm going with my friend Alex." And also Cam. Kind of. He'll be there, I think. I'm not sure how to act i he is there.


"Friend." Sort of. A friend I've kissed; once, tasting like lemonade and Oreo ice cream. A different friend from the one I was kissed by on a balcony. I'm such a kissing-slut. It's kind of fun.

The buzzer goes, and I can't help the smile I flash in her direction. She laughs. "Be safe, sweetheart."

"Always. Love you." I don't bother using the speaker and just go downstairs. Alex stands in the vestibule wearing skinny jeans and a nice white shirt. His hair is swept up, away from his face, and he's smiling in that eye-crinkling way of his.

"Hey Kat, you look gorgeous." He says around the smile, and I smooth my shirt over my hips. It's a gold sweater-ish shirt with long sleeves, and I think it brings out colour in my normally pallid face. My jeans are normal and skinny, hugging the tops of my sneakers.

"Thanks, you look... nice too." I say, lamely, feeling very young. I'm seventeen years old, I need to chill. He laughs with his mouth open, and I see the barbell piercing his tongue is black and shiny.

"I know I look sexy." He offers his arm, and I take it, rolling my eyes.

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