53 // the couch

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@YszmaDegreau i love you okay this is for you bc your comments are great :*

also, is the first paragraph grammatically sound? idk i'll edit later.


Not ten minutes after I get home, does the door open without so much as a knock. His tall figure steps through, ambling down the hallway soundlessly in his Sperrys.

"You should keep this locked." Cam says, coming to sit in the couch next to me. I cross my arms and press play on the DVD remote. The menu screen melts away, taken over by the view of a woman in a blue puffer jacket run across a street into a place with the sign: Luke's.

"You're already in here." I deadpan, and he feigns offence.

"Really, Kather, really? After all we've been through?" He turns, for the first time, to the TV. I turn the volume up a little higher. "You're watching Gilmore Girls! That's Lorelai, and that's Luke," he gestures to the man with the coffee pot and half-beard. "She needs coffee and he gives it to her. They get engaged."

"When?" I turn to him, and he smiles like it's a prize.

"Season five," he leans all the way into the other corner of the couch, and reaches over to pull on my feet. He frees them from being curled beneath me and tugs them so they're in his lap. I'm wearing pink polka-dot socks.

"Do you have a foot fetish, or something?"

"Or something." He replies with the smallest of smirks. He pinches my pinky toe. "So, where are we?"

"What do you mean"?

"I mean... oh, that's Rory." He indicated the pretty long-haired girl walking into Luke's Diner. "Um, I mean... are we friends?"



"Not what?"

"Just friends?"

"I don't know. You're the one with all the experience."

"You're not like any of my experience."

"Maybe that's 'cause you haven't experienced me."

"Touche, sort of." He sighs, fiddling with my toes. "Want to come to Alec's birthday party tomorrow night?"

"It's not a date, right?"

"It is if you want it to be."


supershort im sorry its dinner time.

um... idk i was gonna have him forreals kiss her but nah.

ooooo but the hope.

and yeah, he's not that aromantic anymore so what.

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