interlude \\ 58

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that picture is cam to a t.

I've been listening to the same small playlist for the last week;
We didn't start the fire ~ King Charles
Love lust ~ King Charles
Best i ever had ~ gavin degraw
When we were young (some long weird word like lonczinski remix) ~ killers

Gabriel is back!!!!!he hasn't drowned in a toilet yet!!!
I slam my locker door shut, shouldering my backpack as the hallways clears. The tardy bell rang when I walked in, so being a little later doesn't concern me.

"Kat." Gabriel falls into step beside me sporting major bedhead and a chunky gold drug dealer necklace.

"Please don't wear that," I tell him. He grins, it lights up his eyes even more.

"What? It's my bling."


"It's hot."

"Shh, my ears." I cover them, mockingly, and he swings his backpack lazily. My next class is on the second floor and the staircase is daunting at this time in the morning.

"So, why're you late?"

"Overslept. You?"

"Me too, and I was over at Cam's."

"Since when?"

"I went over around eight."


"What's up with you two anyway?"

"Nothing." Yet. Possibly. Or ever. Possibly.

"Did you catch the Raptor's game last night?"

"I was at your house last night."

"No, it was later than that."

"Well, I don't like... football?"

"Basketball. Really, Katherine. They're the Toronto team."


"They were playing Washington, it was awful."

"That sucks."

"Your sympathy is delicious."
Oh my gosh hahahaha idk that was stupid.

Did anyone watch the Raptors game??? It kind of sucked, though Kyle Lowry is fineee.

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