chapter 27

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Quinn's POV

"Dude she's changed," Luke stated as we finally reached the bottom of the steps. She definitely did. "She just started coming back around, don't spook her off. Seriously Quinn, we just got her back and we don't want anything to make her freak out." I nodded my head, he was acting like I was the villain in this. I wasn't, she lied to me and everyone else. I still had love for her and a lot of it. I still wanted to grow old with her, have a successful career, get married, have kids and I wanted to do that with her. 

"I know Luke, seeing her makes me feel so guilty inside. I ruined everything between us but she left me in the dark about so many things in her life. She lied, what is a relationship without trust and honesty?" I said looking down at my feet, she hurt me in so many ways and broke my heart in two. But I knew deep down that we needed to get back together because I am still in love with her. "I still love her," I state, my eyes meeting Lukes, his eyes softening with a small smile appearing on his lips. "I have to get her back." I smile nodding my head as if I was reassuring myself that this was a good idea. I walked back into the living room where Jack and Wes sit on the couch, just the sight of her makes me tingle on the inside. Her lavender scent was able to reach my nose from many feet away. As I reached the kitchen to get a sandwich, I could hear her laugh softly at what I assumed was one of Jack's horrible jokes. Simple things made her happy. "Simple" was the word that fell out of my mouth without me even realizing it. I was going to do something simple for her to try to reconnect with her, to have a redo of our relationship. I finished my sandwich in hurry, grabbed my keys and jacket, and ran out to my car. I decided to go to the local flower shop and got her favorite, tulips, a mix of white, pink, red, yellow, and orange to be exact since that is one thing she isn't simple with, her love for flowers that is. I stopped by a mom-and-pop shop to get a box of assorted chocolates because I knew she would have a hard time picking one out to eat and I loved watching her get frustrated with herself in those types of ways, it was wholesome in a way, how the tip of her tongue lay on the corner of her lips and her eyes farrowed together in concentration. I texted Luke that I was coming home and caught him up on everything so he could help me get this plan to work. I stopped at an Italian restaurant for pick up, getting her favorite, lasagna. He was going to get Wes in my room so I could bring her everything she likes and to talk to her, to see if she would give me a second chance an,d to tell her that I was still in love with her and wanted to spend every minute of every day with her for the rest of my life. I drove home in complete silence and when I got back to the house, Jack sat in the living room chair looking right at me, shaking his head yet smiling.

"You better not fuck this up this time Q," He said, I gave him the finger and walked down the stair to my room where I told Luke to get her into. I heard Luke and Wes laughing, obviously playing video games on my console. I stood there for a second, my anxiety hit me like a truck. I set her things down on the table and wiped my hand against my pants, one breath at a time, I instructed myself to do as I walked over and turned the knob of my bedroom door. 

"Hi" I spoke, her head snapping in my direction, her hands immediately connecting, messing with them anxiously and her knee bouncing up and down. Her beautiful eyes connected with mine. "I got you these." I sat down next to her on my bed, Luke left the room with us two sitting there next to each other not saying a word. "Can we talk?" my words came out shaky, she nodded her head. It's going, time baby.

It's been a minute! Love you all! Thank you for sticking around. It's been a rough couple of months for me. 



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